memes are better than sleeping?

Apr 16, 2009 02:22

So, I should probably be asleep right now because I have my early class tomorrow, but discolemonaaade tagged me for that "things that make you happy" meme, and I actually have some stuff to write about, so I'm getting this done ( Read more... )

american idol, true blood, food, real life, meme

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Comments 8

kalikahuntress April 16 2009, 12:12:00 UTC
Sweet, it looks like they have decided to tone down his make-up a bit this year which is awesome. Also, very glad to see someone else who loves True Blood.:)


freckles929 April 16 2009, 15:27:47 UTC
LOL yes. They didn't do the best job with the vampire makeup last season. And I love your icon! Hopefully Lafayette isn't really dead. I know he was in the books, but his part was also a lot smaller, so maybe they'll keep him around.


kalikahuntress April 17 2009, 03:08:03 UTC
I hope so too and he is so popular so I think he might come back.


sadeyedsmile April 16 2009, 12:12:01 UTC
Sour Patch Kids = yumminess. I love when mom's randomly buy you candy. lol
And I'm glad you got your papers done! :)


freckles929 April 16 2009, 15:33:20 UTC
Haha, I am too. I was FREAKING OUT last night because the essay I had to do for today was basically a summary of an article referenced in my Psych textbook, and thanks to my awful procrastination habits, I had to find an article last night, but I couldn't find anything on the databases my teacher gave us, and I didn't know what I was gonna do. Thankfully after looking for like three hours, I actually found one that had the full text online and was referenced in my text book, so I was definitely relieved.


sadeyedsmile April 16 2009, 16:41:59 UTC
I do the same thing all the time. lol I'm glad you found an article though! :)


xdazedconfusedx April 16 2009, 14:44:41 UTC
ahhh money money money!
I hope you can go to the American Idol tour :)


freckles929 April 16 2009, 15:37:26 UTC
Money is always nice. :) I should be able to go. It's nice, because the concert is at the Staples Center, and there is a bus I can take that goes straight there, so my mom doesn't have to drive me and come to the concert (and also I don't have to pay to get her a ticket) - I can just get myself there and then she can pick me up.

I'm less optimistic about being able to go to the Taylor Swift concert, but I'm still hoping I can somehow get tickets.


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