OMGOMGOMGOMG, Friday Night Lights got renewed for TWO seasons!!! I'm so happy right now. :D Apparently Tyra and Lyla are not going to be coming back as regulars, which is too bad, but honestly, as long as Eric and Tami are on the show, I'll watch it, so I'm not too upset. My only worry is that as the show goes on, the quality might decrease, but last season was a MASSIVE improvement over S2, so hopefully that won't happen.
Everyone who hasn't watched this show really should. Even if you don't like football, it is one of the best shows I've ever seen, and is still going strong after its third season. I'm not going to spoil anything for people who are watching it on NBC or might want to watch it in the future, but the S3 finale set up some really interesting storylines that I'm excited to see play out, so this is such awesome news.