Feb 12, 2003 22:19
ha. it's just been a barrel of fun around here.
so, guess what happened over the weekend? our refrigerator of 18 years (parents bought it when they found out i was on the way) DIED. well.. or rather, it's in the process of dying (il est en train de..). so yeah.. think about all the lovely food you yourself may have stored up in your refrigerator/freezer (things like ice cream, cottage cheese, eggs, meat, etc). then think about what would happen if it all started slowly spoiling.. the toxic fumes wafting at you with growing intensity every time you open the door to see if there's anything salvageable in there.. it's a whole lot of fun, let me tell you T_T
so that's about 2/3 of the food in my house down the drain, combined with the fact that there's no more cold drinks to be found, because we also have no ice.. we better get the new fridge soon. the thing is, i don't want a new one!! i really like the old one ;___; see, i'm very weird and get attached to things like appliances, especially if they've been around since i was born like this one has. and i LIKE our refrigerator, dammit, way more than i liked the toaster, microwave, tv, and vcr, which have all been replaced over the years. so i'm very sad that we have to get a new one.. but it better be fast, because all the edible food in this house is slowly diminishing and it's getting really annoying..
then, there's the fact that i'm SICK!! except that it's the sucky kind of sick, not bad enough to stay home but not well enough to go to school without sniffling and sneezing and feeling generally tired and crappy all day. i slept until 9 tonight, from about 5 when i fell asleep, and i'm STILL tired but i have math and history to do, so fun times all around, only not.
at least i used up the rest of the pictures on my second roll of film leftover from ushi.. me and bekah walked down to this creek by our house. she picked up trash and put it in trash bags (because she's crazy and concerned about nature like that) and i took pictures of random things until the roll was gone. yeay.
today was a blast.. ha. last night i thought jessie told me she and lee were doing 'our' lab, as in one lab report for the whole group, but they were really doing one report for just the two of them.. and since i was crazy busy trying to finish my french report and was done at about 2 am, i thought it was kinda weird that they'd let me get off with doing nothing, but didn't question it because i didn't have time to do my own anyway.. yeah, then i found out in 4th period that i should have done it, because yeah, if you don't do any work, people aren't just going to put your name on a lab report. so i have to turn it in late. i SHOULD do it tonight, but yeah, lots of other homework and me feeling generally crappy? don't think so.
and my class rank is 87 (out of 570. not top 10%, but top 20 at least). forgot to check and see what my GPA is, but oh well, i'll do it later.