come on take it, come on take it, take it from me

Jun 22, 2008 17:26

So, I actually have gotten a job now, but it's not a "real" one. It's as a hostess at Fox & Hound, a pub chain with a location by my house, and eventually I'll be able to move up to waitress. So at least I'll be making some money while I keep looking for a better-paying full-time job in my field. Which is what I planned all along...

Otherwise, not much going on, just lots of hanging out with Kevin while he's still in town (swimming/tanning in his backyard!). Next month I'm moving into Eryn's mom's house for two weeks while her family is on vacation to dog/housesit XD I've also been continuing to mess with how stuff is arranged in my room, and selling textbooks online, and lots of other boring stuff. I also have a new phone, a purple Sony Ericsson z750, which is beautiful and amazing. A PURPLE PHONE!! <3 I love it, it is so great, and much better than my old phone. (Which, if anyone has T-Mobile and wants it--or doesn't and can unlock it--it's theirs.)

So recently I finished Meg Cabot's sequel to All-American Girl (a book Eryn gave me as a birthday present years ago and I really liked, being already a fan of the Princess Diaries series--even though I've given up on that now for being too repetitive), which is called Ready or Not. And, WOW. I was not expecting a book about the protagonist trying to decide if she should lose her virginity to her boyfriend!! But that's what it's about. I have to say that, unlike some Amazon reviewers, I did not mind that our main character, Samantha, has grown up a year since the events of the first book. That was refreshing and realistic. And I didn't mind the sex part; indeed, it was very apt for me, and I respect her right to choose anyway, despite her being 16. It's not like there's a huge age difference between her and her bf (just a year). What really bothered me was the ending, where she does decide to have sex with him. Ironically, I had been rooting for that the whole book through (well, come on, I'm always going to root for sex haha). But, the way it happened was just so... agh. So basically, Sam spends the entire novel agonizing over whether or not to have sex with her bf, thinking when he invites her to spend the weekend away with his family he means they'll be intimate together (he's not insinuating anything of the kind and all that is in Sam's head. They're both complete virgins btw). Up until that point they have not even been naked with each other. So when the time comes, Sam thinks she's going to have to turn him down since she's decided she's not ready. But he doesn't show up at her room like she thought he would. She confronts him and finds out she had it all wrong. She's about to leave his room in embarrassment when suddenly she runs back to her room, grabs the protection her sister has bought for her, comes back, and... they wind up having sex.


That came out of freaking NOWHERE!! Up until that point Sam had been saying she was going to say no to him. Then all of a sudden she does it anyway!? And the worst part of it is, we have no idea why! We get NO insight into her thoughts or motivations on that matter. Based on what she says to other characters later, what happens that night is that they have sex and she loses her virginity, and probably not much else, because she reveals she didn't get off herself. First of all, I just want to say that this is totally ridiculous. Two virgins who have not even seen each other naked get intimate for the first time, and sex happens. Really? REALLY?? Two virgins? You think they'd both be so worked up and nervous about having sex that they'd start out with something a little more basic, like manual sex or mutual masturbation or whatever. And then WORK UP to sex. I mean, that's a really healthy progression; much less pressure and much less stress. But, no. They just go right ahead and do it as if there aren't ANY other activities they could be involved in. And that's another thing that bugs me; Meg Cabot holding up the old cliche that penetrative vaginal sex is THE sex, the only sex, and that's just not fair to girls, who often do not get off from that alone (another fact that isn't brought up). I mean, she doesn't mention anything else the whole novel through.

The worst part, though, is how Sam behaves afterwards. We don't get any insight into her thoughts through her narration, we only get a conversation with her sister and a conversation with a co-worker that tells us what happened with her boyfriend that night. The conversation with her sister only reveals to us that they did it and that she didn't come (they discuss other details but they aren't spelled out in the text), and the conversation with the co-worker reveals that Sam had fun. Oh? How did she have so much fun if all that happened is she was penetrated for the very first time (which had to have hurt), and didn't even get to come herself? Especially after she was so nervous the entire book about losing her virginity, there's no way she could all of a sudden magically unwind enough to enjoy it. Furthermore, I really resent that she doesn't give any confessions to the reader in her narration, like "Okay, so it did hurt a little" or "You know, I actually don't feel all that different; I'm not sure what the fuss was about." But no. Apparently, it was perfect and dream-fulfilling, since she never tells us otherwise.

The reason I'm so upset that nothing was spelled out is because this book is for teenagers! A lot of whom may be contemplating losing their virginity sometime sooner or later, and may be looking to this book as an indicator of what it will be like. And according to this book, it's no trouble at all, with no pain to speak of, and "fun" the first time. Um, try fairly complicated, at least a LITTLE bit painful no matter what, and somewhat awkward (which is not to say there aren't positive aspects too, but to focus ONLY on them?). I'm not saying a first time can't be perfect and magical and easy and totally painless, I'm sure that occurs on rare occasions--but those are RARE occasions, NOT the norm. It's really just giving unfair, unrealistic expectations, and I would expect more from Meg Cabot. Mostly, I just resent being shut out of Sam's thought processes after the most important event in the whole book, when we've been privy to them all up until that point. End rant!

And I finally got caught up on the last episodes of the shows I've been watching this year... LOST, Ugly Betty, Supernatural. LOST was freakin' amazing!! Best season so far, hands DOWN. Supernatural... really did put their money where their mouth is instead of some miraculous happy ending, huh? crazyyy. I wonder what in the WORLD next season is going to be like.

Oh, the other day I got a haircut (nothing really drastic, it's still long, my bangs are just short again now) and then met up with Jeremy from Japanese class this past semester and Casey for dinner & drinking. It was awesome hahaha, and not just cause BOTH of them told stories about MULTIPLE occasions where guys hit on them persistently. Hahahahaaa. Ohhh AC.

And I got sucked into Enneagram stuff again today. In high school, I used to believe I was a 4 through-and-through. But when I took the test again, I am actually a 5 (or really, a 5w6). It really fits me. Then I made Kevin do it and he's a 7. Which is also hilariously fitting. Now I want to know what everyone else is. If you take it, comment here and tell me!!

Anyway, I feel like I'm kind of boring lately. But oh well. I'm happy, so who cares.

personality theories, books, rants

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