you think you're so smart, but i've seen you naked

Apr 16, 2008 01:19

I made a bento!!!

My cute little 100yen-store green cat bento box & kinchaku, and also 100yen-store purple butterfly chopsticks & black crane chopsticks case, though not from the same set. (The actual chopsticks that came with the green cat set were child-sized! So I didn't buy them.)

Omg, I didn't set out to do this or anything, though I'm aware that I'm now a gold-status weeaboo (first the honmei-choco, now this?!). I was just trying to think of stuff to put in my lunch for tomorrow (I bring lunch and eat it at work MWF--used to eat it with wpossee members, but everyone got too busy as the semester went on), which is usually sandwich/yogurt/carrots, and then I remembered I'd made korokke/croquettes last night, and still had some leftover rice chillin (warming really HAHAHA) in the rice cooker.

All packed up and ready to go!

And yeah. I made korokke last night, for the FIRST AND LAST TIME. It's such a crazy intensive process! (I used this recipe, loosely.) And the rolls of mashed potato (I added in peas, so they're vegetable korokke; wish I'd had some meat though) do not want to stay in the croquette shape as you put them through the dough, then the beaten egg, then the panko crumbs. And the loose crumbs collect at the bottom of your pan of oil you're frying in and burn and make the smoke detector go off (LIKE FIVE TIMES!!). Soooo frustrating! But, at least I have korokke now, for the time being, and they do taste pretty good. Wish I could just go to the grocery store like I did in Japan and pick up some ready-made ones... XD


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