oh simple thing, where have you gone?

Aug 17, 2007 20:44

I'm really going to miss working at TOKYOPOP... because conversations like these won't be part of my life anymore.

Alexis: Sarah~ want to look over some boy porn?
Me: Yes. Always.

aaahahah. And then he gave me another one later in the day. The first one had crazy crazy mpreg and animal transformations in it, though. I'M REALLY NOT DOWN WITH THAT.

But yeah... yesterday was my last day, and now I am super, super sad. Like... agh. I can't even express it. It's bizarre. I am just going to miss everyone SO MUCH, and I know they're going to miss me too, and I just had such a perfect summer here and I'm unbelievably depressed about it coming to an end. ;_; wahhh

Based on a conversation at lunch that day (with everyone, in honor of me and fellow-intern Jessica leaving today), I wound up drawing a Fruits Basket fanart picture which will be featured in volume 18, out in November. It's basically me, as Tohru, surrounded by the zodiac... who are members of the TOKYOPOP editorial staff. XD XD ahahaaaaa. I had so much fun drawing it and everyone was cracking up over it because of who we assigned to certain roles (Paul, Tim, & Bryce as the Mabudachi Trio is CLASSIC. ahahahaaa). (It was actually really hard to draw, though, because I haven't drawn anything in foreverrrrr, since I'm not that good at it, and my hand kept getting tired. I HAVE NEWFOUND RESPECT FOR PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS. @_@) So that was my goodbye gift to everyone... <3 And you can be on the lookout for it in bookstores in November!!!

And now I have to pack and it suckssss. But at least Mom and I went to the Getty today, which was successfully relaxing, and tomorrow begins the Epic (okay, 2-Day) Drive back to G-town, and a (lasting) return to my normal life for abouuuutttt the first time since May 2006. Yeah. It's gonna be weird.


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