food fight just broke out 15 minutes ago lol

May 25, 2005 12:05

yeah last period a huge food fight broke out in the 6/7 lunch period. it was pretty disgusting when i walked through the cafeteria, mayo, salsa, spaghetti, dressing, salad, toppings, pretzles, ice cream, pizza and liquid nacho cheese and chips were just some of the hundreds of streaks and blobs and lumps of things that i saw on the floor and on people in the glass corridor at the end of the cafeteria. it was pretty gross but it was also really funny. i'm kinda annoyed though that mr. avellino is going to cancel springfest and MUD all because of that:(. i was like wicked excited about it bc it'd be my first year and stuff. lol some guys that were in the cafeteria are talking about the people that were throwing stuff and how all these teachers were slipping and stuff. i want to know who blew the horn and screamed foodfight really bad but no one will say lol. anyways that like made my day 87377834542 times better... i just really freaking hope they don't cancel springfest. and then tonight is my last chorus concert (yesss) and i get to wear what i want and miss swimming or at least half of it...yessss times a million. everyone like pray to god that we still have springfest... i'll know by 2 today...and ew, 5 minuts later, i can smell it form 3 floors up and like 100 feet over lol.
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