Title: Had it been another day...
littlesumo Rating: R
Pairing: Nando/Dan
Disclaimer: This is fiction.
A/N: Wah, my first football fic. Scary :)
Oh, and, this is not betaed. You know the drill, just ignore the mistakes :)
"Come on mate, do you want to sit around brooding for the rest of your life?"
"I am not brooding!"
"Glaring at people then, whatever. I see you watching us, the couples, when we're out. You just sit in a corner with a beer."
"And what is wrong with that? I like watching people."
"You need to get laid, that what's wrong. You're antsy all the time and really short-tempered on your better days."
"I'm not antsy and short-tempered!"
"Whatever. Stevie thinks so too."
"Well, if Stevie thinks so... You hear the sarcasm? And anyhow. You said something about a date. Not getting laid."
"Well, if you like each other, why should the one exclude the other? OK, OK, stop giving me the evil eye! Just say you'll go and I'll leave you alone."
"Who am I meeting anyhow?"
"That's a surprise."
"A blind date?!"
"Trust me."
"I'm doomed..."
That conversation is the reason why Fernando finds himself in a tiny restaurant at ten to eight, anxiously awaiting what might come. He already feels ready to strangle Pepe and is not at all sure why he agreed to this anyway.
He watches the door closely so he doesn't miss the next visitor coming in. And then he entertains the thought of flight for the first time, because Daniel is standing in the door, looking around. Isn't this blind date thing embarrassing enough already, does one of his team mates have to witness it?
Dan is coming his way. Mierda!
The Dane stops in front of the table, hand in his pockets looking very unsure, and a light bulb suddenly goes off in Fernando's head.
"Let me guess. Stevie."
Dan just nods, shuffling his feet a bit.
"Pepe." Fernando rubs a hand over his face. "Why don't you sit down? If we're here already we could just as well at least have a drink together."
After their first beer, they both feel a bit more relaxed. After all, they've been out for drinks before (not alone though), they like each other, all good.
Training is only late the next day, so when they leave the restaurant and the uncomfortable (if you sit on them for too long) chairs behind, to watch a DVD at Fernando's, none of them thinks they better shouldn't.
And it's less a matter of shouldn't than surprise when Dan nods off and his head lolls onto Fernando's shoulder and Fernando lets him, because it's kind of comfortable.
When the end credits roll in, he moves his shoulder to jolt Dan a bit and looks down at him. Dan mumbles something (Fernando suspects it's Danish) and then sleepily looks up at him. There's already so little space between their faces, it doesn't even take a real movement to lean down (or maybe Dan stretches up) to connect their lips.
It tastes different, always tastes different, but really good and they move around on the couch until Dan is lying in between Fernando's legs, that are pressed to his sides, angling their hips so they can thrust against each other.
"Have you... have you..." Fernando doesn't know if Dan is just breathless from kissing or just too shy suddenly, but he knows what he is trying to ask and answers the unfinished question anyhow.
"Not often."
After that there is a trail of clothes, haphazardly thrown away, to his bedroom, and the threshold is where Fernando would make any on-looker turn away (if they had one, which they obviously don't, but sometimes he entertains the fantasy of a voyeur - he can be kinky like that), because what follows is just too personal, too intimate; just for them.
Maybe the others had been right. Maybe he did need to get laid, to get rid of the tension he didn't notice himself, was building inside.
But it's certainly not (only) the thought of Dan inside of him, the thought of sweat and moans, that has him feel this content. That isn't what makes him endure the extra laps he has to run for coming in late with so much as a shrug.
It's the memory of waking up, a warm body still beside him, although he'd resigned himself to probably be alone in the morning. It's the memory of turning towards Dan, seeing a slow and sleepy smile on his face. The memory of reaching out, touching his cheek, of soft kisses.
It's all this that makes Fernando think, Pepe will not call him antsy and short-tempered for a long time to come.