Nov 11, 2008 06:18
I still have not set my alarm clock an hour back. So my alarm is going off at 5 am.
And I find this works because even then I still find myself physically incapable of making it OUT the bed until I spend an hour sulking in bed over the fact that I must leave it. Change of weather, you are my harsh mistress.
In other news, I purposely didn't answer the phone the other day when my mum called and when I attempted to call back yesterday there was no answer. I am unsure if I should be worried or not. I really hope that her last trip here didn't leave her IN DESPAIR!!111 to the point where she drunk herself into an oblivion while popping pills. ...again.
Not that I get upset over it. I just get tired of her going "JESSICA I ALMOST DIED ;.;" every time we start to have a minor disagreement. Because it really doesn't. WORK with me. Considering she did it to herself and I am a horrible child with no sympathy. And who needs "I ALMOST DIED...TWICE D:"