Jul 05, 2005 10:43
OMG last nigh was sooo fun! Me and Morgan went swimming, talked, got on instant messanger, and a bunch of other fun stuff!!! We had dinner then got back on IM, then ((i'll be saying then alot)) we left and then in the car we were doing tcrazy faces and one time in traffic and Morgan waved and he waved back and we did the peace sign and they did it backk!!! Hahahaha it was soo funny! We did it to these other ppl in back of us it was a mom and like...three girls (?)? and they laughed. Some other ppl laughed at our funny aces. Hahaha. It took forever to get there. We listened to music and stuff. It was like a road trip!!! Hahahaha. When we got there we saw Cora Allen, Seth Croak, and Erin Baney and alotta other ppl with them! Hahaha. We talked and stuff. We took my dog chewy and he watched the fireworks. THEY WERE SOO SA-WEET! THEY WERE SOOO COOL TOO! Then when we left we didnt really even leave!! They was soo much traffic we were sitting and waiting there forever! It sucked sooo bad! Then we actully started moving and Morgan and I talked. We didnt really do anything and then later we stopped at like a "uni-mart" and got ice cream (lol it was good) I was soo starving!! I ate my whole thing and Morgan only ate a lil. Haha. Then we rested. LOL. I HAD SOOO FUN!!!! We got home at like 12:15. I was soo tired. And I am still tired!!!