Jun 27, 2005 06:06
Well last night I saw the movie Be Cool cause we rented it. It was funny. Then the last, last night we saw Euro trip. That was really funny too!Last night I stayed up until 12:00 and woke up at like eight and thats what happened like everynight so far cause we have been watching sweet movies! Hahaha. I saw alotta great movies at my relatives!!! Well I'm still at my Auntie Annas and I NEVER WANT TO LEAVE!!! I'm soo sad that we are leaving soon. I never get to see them! But they are coming down to my house sometime in July!!! Which is really good. Last night we also had birthday cake for Cokie since my relatives wouldnt be there for her b-day. It was good. I'm gonna go hang with my cousins.