bowling, egg rolls, and a hot guys boxers...

Jul 16, 2005 08:28

Yesterday was a pretty boring day, pretty much chilled and what not until 6. Then I went to do laundry and I had an egg roll (omg, it was sooo good. that place makes the BEST eggrolls.). Then, lol, I was doing laundry and not really paying attention I was in my own little world, and I went to get something out of the dryer and I reached in, grabbed the clothes, and shrieked. lol. I realised that i had just grabbed this really hot guys boxers. It was so funny i quickly walked away hoping he didn't notice but he was giving me weird looks the whole rest of the time I was there. After that Kyle came and picked me up, along with Tanya, and we were supposed to actually bowl, but we got to the bowling alley and I saw the free passes kyle had and I'm like "well they're expired, but its in really tiny print so maybe no one'll notice", so kyle gave the lady the passes and asked if we could use them and she said yes, and right when we were about to pay for our shoes this guy comes up, and grabs the pass, and says, "wait, no, you can't. these are expired". grrr. I got so mad, i mean we were literally ::holds up fingers:: this close. So, instead we stayed and played games and I got my behind kicked in DDR and air hockey. After that we went to Taco and talked about how so many guys we know are a-holes and how they all deserve to be locked in a room and force fed malta, (i know no one who reads this will get that joke, but i get it, and i think it's pretty darn funny. HI-larious if you will. lol). Then I came home, talked to charles online for a little bit and realised he was at the bowling alley at the same time as me and I even walked by him, and we didn't even know it. huh, funny co-inquey dink. well i g2g get some grub senors and senoritas. Ciao! - Kay

Q.O.Y.D! (quote of yesterday).
(kyle talking on the phone with evvy tanya's boyfriend))
-imagine a ghetto accent-
"why'd you break up with Karla? what the HELL is yo' problem,boy?...what!?! never went out with Karla...who dis is!?"

lmao, oh kyle you are sooo unique, to say the least.
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