2 tightropes walked - voice post

May 20, 2009 22:27

Blimey, this apartment ain't 'alf large. Are they all like this? Can't get use t'havin' this much space. Wonder if Beast'd mind me sharin' her room. Real different from the tents. It's weird them bein' so high up too. Glad I've got a good head fer heights or I'd feel right strange. Nice of this place t'give us somewhere t'stay though, never thought I'd live somewhere like this.

T'other day, that was one of the curses, right? Frightened me stiff, all that noise an' fightin'. It was 'orrible, hope they ain't all like that.

Right, I wanted t'ask, someone told me there's an orphanage 'ere. Anyone knows who I can talk to 'bout givin' an 'and there maybe?

((ooc: all answers assumed voice, strikes muttered))

beast, curse aftermath, apartment, helping with the little uns

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