Well, for starters
Anya asked me to help out
Buff an’ Giles with the magic box while she headed outta town for a coupla days. I’m not sure why she left exactly, but it gives me time to work on the website for her. I’m hopin’ to have it done by the time she gets back. It’ll be a happy money making surprise for her.
And I in no way expect something in return…
Well I guess this came before, but… Buffy did some recon on the
not-so dead ex-mayor, and lo and behold… she returned with a hankey. So far all I’ve been able to come up with is that he’s human. I’m not 100% on it, but it looks like.
There's also the thing where Tara an' I sorta decided to get London a puppy, we haven't really had the chance to go to the lost dog's home, but I was thinkin' maybe Tara could go? Get London the puppy. It could be a good bonding experience.
Then, if you can believe it, we find out that
Dawnie’s stashed away an
incredibly hot older boyfriend for the past… however long. I’m not sure. But to make it more interesting? He can read minds. Uh huh, I know, crazy. It turns out that he had a reaction to Raven’s Milfoil, but the thing is, he’s
not the only one. Two people with abilities affected at the same time? Can have really bad effects. Like… well, one scenario is where the have each others abilities for a time. They could also be involved in the others dreams. There’s a deep connection there…I just wish I had more to go on.
Since meeting Avasa, he’s been kinda knocked out on our couch. Which is good, I guess. Less time for crazy-land. I wish
Xand was here. He makes research bareable. Plus, donuts. And who doesn’t love donuts?
I sit up and stretch, snapping the advanced mystical herbs and plants book shut and move over to make coffee. While the kettle boils, I find a sheet of paper with a picture of an urn on it. It looks like the urn of liv, but it’s hard to say. It’s not exactly the best picture. After a couple of minutes I sit back on the stool behind the counter and flip open another book.
‘Sgonna be one of those nights.