Sep 19, 2007 04:11
I haven't written in forever. Since last May, which is super crazy. Sorta like my life right now. I never see any of my friends from last year, and while I've met a ton of new people, the bonds I've already formed are so much stronger.
I have a zillion hours of class tommorrow. Seriously. I'm in class from 10-2 and then 3:30-5. But I didn't have any classes today, I guess that's an upside.
Except I can't sleep. And I have class in less than 6 hours. Don't get me wrong, I've been trying, but it's been hard. I woke up at 3:30 and all I did was go to a 4 hour job training session for my new job at the phonathon.
The elections were today. I'm in the finals. But I almost wasn't. And I have a feeling that people who supported the guy knocked out with support my opponent. It's a little disheartening. I have an overwhelming feeling that I'm gonna loose to someone I don't particularly like. It's the same feeling I felt when I lost class sec. to Jason Spiewak in 9th grade. Except now I know excatly how many votes I got and how many she got and the worrying is keeping me awake. And making my stomach a bit upset.
Though my stomach pains are sorta old news, already a couple days old, I figured it's not serious casue my appendix would have burst by now. So it's gotta be the nerves. My first debate tournament is this weekend. That adds to my stress. And the fantastic amount of reading I'm getting for both the American Presidency and the American Revovlution is enough to get anyone sick. But of course I'm probably one of the 4 suckers in those classes actually doing the readings.
And of course, I like a boy, but he has no idea. At least he's straight though. I know this one for sure cause a friend noticed him watching my ass. Anyways, he's a freshman. And he's really cute and nice and we have a ton of common interests. But the kid doesn't have a clue. At all. It's a little annoying. And my flirting skills are minimal so I have no idea how to go about doing anything. The last guys I've liked (besides the interesting expierence that was me and Renzo attempting to date) either told me directly that he didn't believe in relationships in college, or told my roommate that he wasn't into me but then went to go back sure I wasn't crying in bed when I found out. Ugh. So I'm hesitant to do a thing. And of course there's a background crush going on too- on someone who'd never like me. I wasn't even sure I actually liked him until 2 weeks ago when I realized I probably have liked him for the last year. But it's seriously that old constant Brian Matz crush coming back to haunt me-- this guy even reminds me a lot of Brian- student leader, debater, funny, cute. Oh god, he's the Brandeis version. Oh fuck.
Yeah so I'm gonna stop my rambling and let all you go back to your probably much more interesting lives. But if you're ever up at 5 am and just need to talk, im me, cause chances are I am too, and I'd love not to worry about ridiculous crushes, elections I'm not gonna win, work probably don't have to do or the debate tournment I'm gonna make a fool of myself at this weekend. I should know by now, I don't win, people always exceed me and most boys will never want to be friends with me after they find out I like them (some exceptions apply, but not many). Well, class is now in 5 and half hours, I should try to sleep again. But I probably won't get too much sleep.
And for you Brandeisians, IF YOU KNOW ANYONE IN THE CASTLE PLEASE GET THEM TO VOTE FOR ME IN ANY WAY YOU KNOW HOW, baring physical pain of course. :)