Oct 07, 2009 17:31
I had a great day yesterday! I had stayed up the whole night before cause I couldn't sleep and my goal was to stay up all day yesterday. So I went to go hang with Dawbun which was much needed, we went costume idea hunting. I also got pulled over for running a red light cause I thought I could make the yellow light, it turned just as I hit the line. Didn't get a ticket so I think they were looking for something. But I was also not wearing my seatbelt, but they let me go saying everything checks out. Funny. I got home about 3:30 and took a 4 hour nap, failing in my trying to stay up all day...lol. I wake up about 8, hop on line to play my games wondering if I should go to Karaoke. After 45 min. and then getting bored. I decided to call Ben and we went. Karaoke was awesome! It was dead, so I got to sing a decent amount. Loved Shane's muppet impressions! Loved Jen's Godsilla doll! It was much needed. So I get home and hop onto my internet games, talked to Bruce a bit, talked to Thad, and then went to bed! At 3! I just woke up and it's 5:43!!!! I slept for 14 hours! I don't feel rested. I have a slight migrain. I don't understand.