Sep 04, 2006 21:19
It's been a while since I posted anything. Lots of stuff has happened. School started on the 28th and it's going alright so far. My teachers are nice although my math teacher is a little odd. My favorite class is art, of course :P. I might have to bring a huge dirty t-shirt to work in because the last class involved charcoal and I got it everywhere. Lots of money was spent on school supplies, ugh. I even overdrew my account damn it and I haven't done that in a couple of years. I was mad at myself and so was mom lol.
Speaking of my mom, she broke her wrist last Thursday. She was messing with the soaker hose in the front yard and tripped over the edging. She has a cast on her arm and has to have surgery even. It's a small break but she also popped the bone out of place so they have go to in and fix it. She's never broken a bone before so we all freaked out.
John came and visited! It was fun but short. We didn't do much though, just hang out around the house. Now it's my turn to go visit him but it'll be a while before that happens.
Random news: I have fallen in love with bento boxes. They're just so cute with all of the little accessories such as sauce bottles shaped like animals and whatnot. I actually want to buy one and try making my own lunches and stuff. It'll have to wait until I get some more money though :(.