
Apr 04, 2005 21:18

The is a random tent on our farm?!

Like there is paddock, paddock, paddock, paddock, paddock, TENT! ,paddock, paddock, paddock...

I have noo idea who or what live in it or why its there.

The dumbass pitched it right beside a MAIN ROAD, next to a PRICKEL BUSH.
I can see they are very smart...

Must be like some random hillbilly or bum living on our farm...

Oh well


I played hide and seek the other day.

Lol yes i ger more imature everyday.
Its rather depressing really.
It seems i acted all "mature" in 3rd and 4th form and then as soon as i hit 5th-6th i decided to make up for 3rd and 4th form and go all immature and hypo.

But yeah, i think i easily won hide and seek lol
I have to admit, it was really fun!!!

Steve started it.

I went to go get my camera and i told steve to stay there cos he as doing this really cute pose.
when i came back he had dissapared.
I searched around the house 4 ages and i eventually faound him hiding under this table in the spare lounge. lol

So we decided to play hide and seek.

it was my turn first and i hid in the potting shead.
Steve was next and eventully I found him in the boot of him car.
then it was my turn and i climed this really bushy tree that look like really imposible to climb.
he spent AGES and AGESSS looking for me.
I just sat there watching him look like everywhere circuling the house trying to find me.
In the end i was whisteling to him and he was circling my tree but he still couldn't find me!!! lol it was hilerious!

Its so awesome, i felt like i was a kid again.

I miss being a kid

i hate being 16 and sixth form.


Last of all happy birthday kyle!!!

Hope ya had a wicked bday :)
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