Year in Review - 2019

Jan 01, 2020 00:18

Once again, Happy New Year! yada yada yada, I'm posting another year in review synopsis.

Not much to say regarding work, got promoted early in the year though not much of a pay bump (and came with losing my overtime). At least if I work extra hours I don't have to worry about the spiel of expense cutting and how we have to limit the amount of overtime we work.

As a follow up to my post last year, confirmed that our building has been sold - though we have it leased until sometime in 2021. Sometime around then we'll be moving, either to another building which is being leased for awhile longer (though is in the downtown area) or in midtown around hudson yards (though that location appears to be mainly for upper management).
My co-worker Ju-an is apparently not going to have her group moved to North Carolina. I asked her about it recently and she seemed surprised that I'd heard that... which surprised me because she was the one who told it to me over a year ago (I guess I could have misheard but... ah well who knows).
Co-worker of mine, Manny left the company, I guess there was some drama there. Apparently he asked for some things to stay, got what he was asking for and then a few months later gave his notice.
A few more people have left the company that I knew, or kinda knew. First off was Don, though he was let go the previous year - on halloween day from what he told me. Several years back when I worked with the transportation divisions he was one of my regional underwriter contacts. After I was moved to working with a different area we still kept in touch - we'd spill gossip to each other, he'd often ask me questions regarding our Cruis program or excel stuff. He'd reach out to me every couple months or so. So early this year I realized I hadn't heard from him in sometime and did a search for his name on my computer - and as I feared it didn't come up. Eventually I tracked him down on LinkedIn and dropped him a text, he called me back and he filled me in. He wasn't too unhappy about it, he got a decent severance package and had been expecting to be let go for awhile. Haven't spoken to him since however, hopefully he's found somethiing.
Not someone I knew but he worked on my floor and his going away story is too funny not to share. So Thomas is someone who worked in a different group, he'd been in the company a little over six years, never seemed that sociable but he chatted with some people I knew. So apparently in October while he was updating his boss on a deliverable he also told him that today would be his last day, he was resigning. No two week notice, no speaking with HR, from what I heard he didn't even have another job lined up - he just wanted out. So he finished his work up, left his company card and equipment at his desk... and then just left at the end of the day.
The following week from that I heard of another floor neighbor was leaving, though I had worked slightly with Charu - answering questions for her on some topics. She however did give her two week notice, she had a bottle of single malt liquor she was sharing with people who came by to wish her well. Found out she'll be opening up a coffee shop/bar in Westchester next year, I'll have to check it out.
Oh and lastly, I had heard my manager Christine would be transferring to a different group. I was told this when I returned from a vacation, really bummed me out - she's a solid worker and knows the ins and outs better than anyone else I know at the company right now. Whoever replaces her is going to have a lot of catching up to do... and will probably stress me out adding additional responsibility to my plate to keep our crazy pace.

Only furry gathering I attended was the Furry Picnic in Connecticut, was fun but will probably conflict with my school reunion next time. Also attended my usual trio of MoCCA Fest, PAX East, and NY Comic Con.

Finally finished reading the Repairman Jack series, it's kinda of a lead-up / parellel running story to the author's main apocalyptic story The Adversary Cycle. Unfortunately I've only been able to read the first two books of TAC, and the library doesn't seem to have any more. So I'll have to order the remaining books to finish the series, which I really want to do. I've also the newest installment of the Destroyermen series, Pass of Fire, though that series continues to feel dragged out. I've gotten around back into the Alvin Maker series as well - though it's annoying to know that the planned final book in that series still has yet to be written.

Watched a lot of superhero movies and classics this year, though I'd definitely say Joker was the best of the bunch. As for television shows, I pretty much zoomed through Workaholics, not a great show but had its moments. I recently checked out the first season of Turbo Fast, which was sorta a sequel to the Dreamworks movie Turbo. It looked liked it was going to be mediocre the first few episodes but it quickly grew on me, also amusing how there was a cameo of Goat, non-speaking though; Goat is a character that's appeared in couple other shows I've loved over the years - Mtv's Downtown and Cartoon Network's Megas XLR. Finally got around to watching the final season of Samurai Jack, I'm glad that show was completed but man oh man was that dark. Binge watched Disenchantment on Netflix, wow that's a good show - some deceptive writing in there, a lot of depth in that world. Lastly, started watching The Witcher - only managed to get a couple episodes in, wish I had more time to finish the season.

Went to Outerbanks, North Carolina with my family, fun little trip at a timeshare; visited the aviation museum for the Wright Brothers. November I went on a cruise down to the Panama Canal with my family, it was one of those bucket list items for my dad. Fun trip, was amazing to see the locks at the canal. Wanted to do something nifty for my birthday, used up a timeshare gift I'd received a year before - flight out to Vegas for a few days. Did a lot of walking, lost some money, saw the Ka Cirque da Soleil performance which was amazing.

The usual list of things that I've been doing very badly on completing. I definitely need to lose weight, getting to that age where it could have some serious repercussions if I don't get it under control. Although this isn't really a resolution, I plan on taking a trip with a friend to Ohio. He mentioned a store out there he'd been wanting to visit so I agreed to go with him, just gotta nail down the date. Also of note, will be going to my twenty year college reunion. I haven't been up there since the fifteenth, not much of a turnout for my class but maybe this next one will be better? In any case, love the area so even if the reunion itself fails to live up I'll enjoy the trip.


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