Furs Remembered

May 06, 2016 13:26

eh, just feeling a bit nostalgic so checked out the furs_remembered community and wrote down some memories for some folks that passed on over the years.

That community was an interesting idea, I'm not sure how I found out about it but it didn't really last long. Whoever created it used a sockpuppet account as the sole owner/moderator. But their interest or ability to stay involved didn't seem to last very long, eventually that account was deleted and then later purged. And since I think membership to that community is moderated (or at least non-member posts) that means it's doomed to fade away. Not that it matters much, outside the first wave of posts the owner stopped being involved at all and I didn't see much involvement from the few other members who had joined. As of right now my posts are the only other ones on that community.

Gonna back up a bit, the furs_remembered community is used to document furries who have passed away and as a place to share memories of them. I've followed the initial guideline set up by the owner - namely the initial post is just to include the name(s) and birth/death information, any memories or additional information would be shared through comments in that post. Sounded like a nice idea, sorta a more personal version of the wikifur person articles.

Kinda depressingly I had far too many names to add to the list. Many of them I had only known in passing but... still sad :/


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