Recent happenings

Apr 19, 2016 10:39

Basically just a post to acknowledge I'm still around and still check lj once in awhile, which is really not that difficult these days since not a lot of people post anymore.

This past weekend I drove down to Ocean City, NJ for the DooDah Parade - the fursuit contingent was organized once again by rapidtrabbit. Awesome time and really good turn out, weather turned out to be perfect for fursuiters.
Been I think two or three years since I last attended this event, things just sorta didn't match up right for awhile. Was nice to catch up on some of the good old times and to see people, some of whom I haven't seen in years. The saturday night we watched some old videos that tjcoyote had brought with him - was pretty cool to see some of the parades before I'd gotten involved, not to mention old convention photos. I'll have to revisit my old posts, couldn't quite remember how many years I attended DD or even last time I attended ^.^;;;
But it is the first year I've driven just myself down there, ride down was a bit of a pain due to some major delays on the Garden State Parkway (lost at least an hour) but ride back was thankfully uneventful.
Played some mini-golf afterwards, definitely going to have to get some of my hometown friends to do a trip out there sometime (we do an annual trip out to Lake George which includes some old favorites like the Pirate mini-golf :P ).

This weekend I'll be heading out to Boston for PAX East. I think this'll be my fourth or fifth? year attending that gaming convention? Rethinking if this might be the last year, when I attended in 2015 it was marred by how much of a pain getting tickets and finding time - I ended up only attending that sunday due to some conflicts. And this year unfortunately the list of people who I know will also be attending has gotten severely short. But hopefully still have a blast - so much to do there in any case.

And then the following week is the annual MS Walk at the Culinary Institute in Hyde Park. Unfortunately my family will be away that weekend so may not have anybody to take photos; I'll be joined by my parent's dog for the trip back, taking care of of her while my family is away.

Ugh, I need to get a handle on things - rarely do I have a free weekend to just get my shit together. Work has turned mostly into a limbo as the company does it's endless restructuring/layoffs/strategy changes. Days there are definitely numbered, the real question is will I choose to leave on my own or be laid off (word on the grapevine is next round of layoffs is in June... I've been a bit torn on it, I'm mostly leaning towards hoping I get laid off since I have no future here but have put in enough time that I'd get some months worth of pay that would allow me to enjoy some free time).
Foot still is an issue, doesn't seem like physical therapy has been doing much - still experiencing a combination of pain and numbness around the surgical area.


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