People Status

May 05, 2024 10:26

As an aside, this original post was made I think sometime in 2016... so some of the stuff below may have timing issues, the important thing is the list at the bottom. I keep revising the post date so it doesn't get lost in the jumble of other posts... as few as those seem to come these days.

A post on Twitter caught my attention and I thought I'd mark it down here - and maybe some input in the comments section could help also. It's in regards to people that were known but seemingly dropped off into limbo - either in terms of intentional or unintentional disappearance.

Just curious what happened to folks, especially people I interacted with at some point over the years and... I don't know where they've gone to. Friendships can end or drift apart and that's depressing enough, I think it may be more depressing to remember someone and have close to zero idea whatever happened to them. It's weird how online social networks can open up new worlds in terms of meeting people but it can also make you more vulnerable if a lot of your communication proceeded over those sorts of channels - in some cases I don't even know the person's RL name, just whatever alias they used.

I know it's nice to have known people and that they've had some sort of impact on your life (whether you really know it or not) but... I don't like not knowing, I'm odd like that :P

Starting with a quick list, anybody know what happened to these folks?

* alias_pup (Only met the guy once, can't remember if he was a friend of Grizz or just joined out of the blue but he helped out at the MS Walk with taking photos. Seemed like an interesting guy but he quickly dropped off the grid, I think he moved out of the area a long while back (California?). LJ account hasn't been updated in years.) (status as of 4/27/16)
* bennetfox (Don't even remember last time I saw him, at a con years ago?) (status as of 4/27/16)
* internetjello (This one is a longshot, I only knew them briefly through my version_zero community and their _eek_thecat_ community; deleted their account a long while back. I liked their contributions on both sites, was sad to see them vanish) (status as of 4/27/16)
* killen / shepherdbear (Knew him from... I think people I had met in Connecticut. I think the last interaction I had with him was about 2005, though there could have been some after under his other lj account which apparently was deleted while his original was just forgotten. It looks like he moved overseas sometime 2005 or 2006 but that's about as current an information that I have on him) (status as of 12/19/16)
* lecarick (Did not know him that well, knew he had some heavy substance issues... really just curious what happened to this guy) (status as of 10/14/16)
* Plas Tiger / Green Fuzz Tiger (lost touch with him during the pandemic, recently found out he went off the grid in late 2023. contact info is either obsolete or has been deactivated.) (status as of 05/06/24)
* suicidehelmet / Death Panda(?) (I think that was a furry name he used at like the only time I met him, which I think was MFF maybe? Remember so little about this guy, mostly just had interactions on livejournal back in the day :/ ) (status as of 12/29/16)
* Totems (Comic artist on FurAffinity, really enjoyed his stuff. There’s been no activity on his account in years) (status as of 5/11/2021)

* boixboi / Benjie(First met him I think at MFM 2003, he was one of the people that joined pandaguy's group for the zoo trip. Remember seeing him at other cons, definitely some of the FC cons when it was still at the DoubleTree.) Appears to use the Twitter account RedBenjie, although since it is not public cannot tell if there has been active since 2019. (status as of 1/31/23)
* canj (NYC for awhile then I think he moved?) Appears to have moved to Ohio, on twitter under bitwiseyote coyotegrins/ (updated status as of 3/31/20)
* cnipur / Luchy / Chano / chanobear (Dropped off facebook, far as I can tell, at least a couple years ago... not to mention the other sites listed on his wikifur entry. I know he was originally located in Canada but got the impression he was thinking of relocating to the United States after he finished with school.) Found on LinkedIn, depending on how recent it has been updated... appears he's working and doing well in Canada. Friended on Facebook, he's currently married and looks happy. (updated status as of 10/12/19)
* cyberwolf80 / WhiteWolf Darkpaw (Last saw him at MidWest FurFest sometime around 2010, last conversation on LJ found out he moved to California in 2013. As of 2022 found on FurAffinity account ww_darkpaw; an entry as of 2021 on there mentions being trans/character will be female going forward) (status as of 5/29/22)
* mightyomnivore / Boomer Skunk / Guillermo (He purged his lj account years ago; last saw him at MOCCANY a few years back, I heard he was still in NYC but people I know who saw him occasionally haven't heard from him in a long while; he hasn't answered emails, one person stopped by his apartment last year but there was no response so not sure if he's even still living there or not). Found on Facebook under real name, seems to be doing well. Ran into at NYCC 2019 and caught up for a bit. (updated status as of 10/12/19)
* morganbatness (I know he moved down to Florida at one point...) Since moved to California, on twitter as moonlitwingsx (updated status as of 4/27/16)
* plushielove / Galliga (He was an upstate NY fur but moved out to California around 2008 Apparently changed his fursona to Bearhardt Honeybone. He has a recently abandoned FurAffinity account under that name, looks like his Twitter and instagram accounts are maybe a little more recently maintained) (status as of 10/24/18)
* StickDevil (Artist who drew the icon I'm using for this post, I know he left the furry fandom some years back and deleted (as far as I know) all his online accounts and put a block on his Wikifur bio). While doing asearch on DA someone provided a link, looks like he changed his profile to Ducky / DuckDraw. Drawing style has changed, but appears to be same person. (updated status as of 4/27/16)
* tigerfoxx (Another who I used to keep in touch with but haven't heard from in at least a couple years, briefly ran into him during FAU when it was in NJ) He's shown life again on livejournal, so at very least reviewing lj or twitter. Later ran into him at a CT Diner meet in 2018. (updated status as of 09/12/18)
* vindonnus previously known as dragoon3428

And per TJ's post, although I didn't know Santa Fox personally I had seen him at a number of the earlier conventions I went to and really thought he a great fursuit performer - apparently he had left the fandom years ago (sometime prior to 2016 it appears).

I'm sure there are more, I'll update as the list gets expanded. Anybody know anything about these people or want me to add to the list?

Additional list on tjcoyote's account

Final note, a little bit more morbid than with the above, just wanted to note the existence of the furs_remembered community. Unfortunately it seems like I'm the only one still posting there, whoever created it used a sock account that not long after was deleted. Sadly because of that no new members can be added. I'm only updating that community with people I knew personally, even if it was only slightly - so thankfully it doesn't get updated often. Still... there are people listed there who should be remembered.

save, people

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