Snagged from spacedmonkey

Aug 10, 2008 21:56

Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.

1) abarat - When I was 12, my parents and I went on a roadtrip around the west-coast of America, visiting California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. As we came back into California near the end of the trip, we realised that Mum needed a new suitcase - her old one had been badly mauled by some piece of airport machinery. So we stopped in Long Beach and trawled around the shops looking for luggage. And there was a book shop. Since I am magnetically attracted to bookshops, we had to go in. And due to my inability to leave a bookshop without a book, I came out with Abarat by Clive Barker. It's a huge, thick book, with tons of pretty illustrations and I love it. Then, a few years ago, I discovered that there was a sequel. It lacks the pretty illustrations, since the first book was a limited edition style thing, but it's still awesome. (And there's going to be a third, eventually. Hurrah!)

2) brokeback mountain - I first watched Brokeback Mountain on the 27th of February 2007, mostly because of the hype surrounding it and the fact I wanted to know what it was about. And, as I posted on my LJ afterwards, it made me cry. I loved it. I still love it. (Also, it introduced me to the hotness that is Jake Gyllenhaal, which is a very, very good thing indeed).

3) history - History is one of my favourite subjects in school. I don't know why. It just interests me. Maybe it's because I like knowing the background to things - take my strange compulsion to create a complex and pointless back-story for any character who's even had a walk-on part in my fics). I just want to know stuff. (It also confirms a lot of my suspicions about the human race - and everyone likes feeling right.)

4) joe flanigan - Have you seen the man? Miaow. *clawing gesture*

5) master and commander - A shared obsession between
nilhenwen and me. She made me watch it, because she was on a Paul Bettany thing at the time. And then I transferred my affections off whoever I was drooling over to Russell Crowe, AKA Captain Jack... whatshisface. The short, pudgy one with the stupid hat. (I still have the soundtrack on my mp3. Lots of big drums. Good striding music.)

6) slash - Hooray! Gay men making the pornz! Kind of another shared obsession  with
nilhenwen, which is good because all of our other friends think we're mad. Which may be the case, but slash is still hot, damn it! I claim all credit in starting us both onto fanfiction when we were younger. Strictly PG-13 stuff - Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings mainly. Then we realised that, gosh, some of these characters were kissing. Some were even having sex... Then we had conversations about this strange business where two boys were dating. How odd. Of course, we maybe read one or two, but you know, not that much. *cough*lies*cough* And then we admitted it. Slash is hot. Two attractive men having sex is a lot of fun. After all, a lot of men like to think about girls going at it? Why can't women think about boys in the same way? (And, anyway, two men equals no enemies on the female side of things to compete against.)

7) writing - I love it. I suspect I always have. I can remember the day when I first figured out how to use speech marks; and I did it all by myself too! That might make me really, really weird, but I don't care. My stories have progressed from killer whales and dolphins going to their underwater schools and battling evil sperm whales for the possession of giant undersea sapphires - I did write that once; the sperm whale was called Black Jack, and had a giant squid crony - to fanfiction - Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Master and Commander, Brokeback Mountain, SGA, tennis (god, why?) to name but a few - to my 'let's give it a go at least' novel in the making - containing policemen, Arizonian towns, mob bosses, mastiffs, smugglers, helicopter pilots and a landscape gardener. (Writing gives you something to control, doesn't it? You're not a pawn anymore, but the person in the driver's seat, and this satisfies the power-hungry part of me without terrifying the shy bit into convulsions. Always a good thing.)


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