Apr 20, 2008 22:05
Also has boyfriend, but that's another story.
Anyway, since my laptop fucked itself up and died for no apparent reason I have been suffering from a lack of new tunes due to the fact I prefer my music cheap and mostly illegal.
But whatever. So, I have been forced to *shudder* pay for CDs, or download sneakily from sendspace or whatever the hell its called in zip.files. But now I have awesome music!
Treasure Planet should not have such a cool soundtrack, but it does! And it is cool. I loves it! Also Spirited Away, and some very odd song called Imitosis by someone I've ever heard of in my life. The title really reminds my of my biology revision. I wonder why? ^_^''''
But I refuse to admit I have put Britney Spears on my mp3, because it's not true!!! *shifty eyes*
real life,