(no subject)

Feb 16, 2006 11:40

alright. so i've been ignoring lj and email for as long as possible. so if you've sent me anything, sorry if i've not gotten back to you. just like last time, i'm pretty much totally bedridden, and i hate reading all about the fun stuff normal people get to do :/

anyway... having another surgery on monday. this one, is a much more involved surgery than the last. same surgeon, same SI joint, different surgery. its actually the surgery he wanted to do on me the first time, he just 'couldnt do that to a 29 year old with a 3 year old baby'. so he went and learned a less-invasive procedure, with a lower chance of success, and we crossed our fingers. unfortunately, our gamble didnt pay off, and it ends up that i need the rough surgery anyway. i dont blame him.. he made me very aware that the other surgery may not work; that it was just an easier surgery, and hopefully it would work bc he just didnt want to practically cripple me for 6 months with me having such a young child. he gave me a choice.. i took a gamble, i lost. i dont blame him at all. good news is, he has total confidence in THIS surgery... its just that its got a tough recovery. but jadyn is older, she will understand that i cant pick her up, why i am in bed for so long, etc, where she wouldnt have a year ago..

so heres the deal. i'm having my right SI joint fused together with a bone graft. right now it is just stabilized with 2 screws. those 2 screws will come out btw. they will chip away bone from my hip and put it in my joint. i will obv lose some mobility, as it IS meant to be a MOVABLE JOINT, not a fused bone, but his patients who he has done this on have had a huge amount of success as far as reduction in pain. at this point, i just want to be out of pain. and he's done hundreds of these surgeries, so i'm confident he knows what he's doing. plus all the other orthopedics in town refer their patients to him if they have any problem at all with their SI joint. so i'm with the right guy. next few months are just gonna be tough.

surgery on monday at Baptist South (SOOOO far from my house :P). i'll be in the hospital for 5 freakin days. probably bored, so feel free to visit and see jen on morphine drip ;). then i get to go home to my newly ordered hospital bed and bedside potty (i refuse to pee in anything that someone else is going to have to clean up, btw). i'll be in the wheelchair about 6 months most likely. i'll be out of work about 3 months prob. and my dad's work is SOOO ADA un-compliant i go insane every time i go up there in my wheelchair. if he wasnt grandfathered in i would so report his ass. and of course i have a 2 story house. of course i do. why wouldnt i? ::sigh::

good news is, i have jamie, dom, and jadyn all ready and willing to take care of me. they are great. and jadyn is actually old enough to help this time. which rocks.

i just dont look forward to the bedrest again. i suck at that. i cant leave my house for a month. at all :(

guess i will level some WoW characters...

anyway, dont forget about me. i tend to get depressed, and i tend to shut out the world, so you may not see a lot of me on here. but it will be ok. i just want to stop hurting.

btw.. jadyn is very sick. asthma, sore throat, 103 fever.. please keep her in your prayers. thank you.
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