Jul 08, 2003 20:15
Heylo again. Guess what. I ave like 4 major bruises on my body. Isn't that loverly. It suckz. I have three bruises connected on the inner part of my knee. Those are thanks to my sister and her non ability to pitch fast pitch for me. Then I have one on my forearm from trying to help a team mate warm up to pitch. It just hit me and well I got over it. Anyway that isn't the least of my worries. My fam is some what getting along and i know it is not going to last for long. But then again I don't want it to end because I know it is going to be my fault if it does. It is always my fault. I pick all the fights I instagate snide comments from my mom or sister. But then again i am snippy and I just don't care. The heat is horible and well it puts me in a bad mood. I just hate it but when I'm out of the house I am completely fine. even if me and my mom just got into a riff we go into the car to go out we are completely fine. It is totally wierd but then again that explains my life. I guess It is going to get better as i ajust to the heat but until then what the hell is going to happen? Uggg the heat is going to be the death of me.
P.S. I still don't have my lion king soundtrack back from steve and I want it back. Damn him.