In retrospect...

Mar 03, 2010 05:12

I've been terribly flaky at updating this recently - just realised my last post was New Year!

To kickstart myself I had a trawl through my old entries today, and I'm amazed that so much of my life has been poured into this journal since 2003. I remember starting it, in the spare room at No.3 in Dover. It has covered so much! But it did remind me that my entries used to be far more regular and had content better than "what I did over the weekend". I was particularly amused by the "why don't shops sell full-fat cream soda?!" post and especially the "don't apply antiseptic cream to your brain" post. Genius! I'm going to try to get back to that.

I haven't even done so much as a meme in recent times - can any of you recommend a good one? (I understand of course that "good" is a relative concept...)

Life is motoring along at a marvellous pace. Being married is (unexpectedly, in many ways) wonderful and calm sailing thus far. We had a brilliant honeymoon in Rome in January which was like a dream and we're making lots of plans now for the future which is just lovely. I'm going to curb that before I injure myself racking my brains for more gushing adjectives.

I went for the more permanent part-time post at work when it did come up, but lost out to another co-worker. C'est la vie! I was a bit gutted to start with but figured that I still had the job I started with, so the status quo had pretty much been maintained. The service will be changing at the end of this month anyway, so none of us are really sure where we stand until then as it is.

My birthday was an absolute blast, the best I've had for ages. Chris arranged my actual birthday, and Em and I arranged a joint birthday bash over the weekend after:

On the 17th Chris and I had a fab day in London, I finally made it up to Vivien of Holloway and got my dress! Walked down to Camden which was cool as I've never been there before and had a good poke around, highlights included Cyberdog, shoes and some interesting texts to molotovchicken about it! Then we had a lovely quiet dinner before we used my birthday present - tickets to see Avenue Q! Hurrah! It was entirely as expected - hilarious! Remember kids, swine flu is only for now!

molotovchicken and gazimoff came down for the weekend and we had a great time chatting, watching Tim Minchin ("So Fucking Rock" was my V-day present!) and hitting the pubs for the big birthday weekend. We were in the Beercart for some of it ("It's a dive!" - "I know!") which was a laugh, particularly one of my workmates and his *sober* dancing! Met Em's new boyfriend who is lovely, but almost ridiculously tall (6'8"ish). A good time was had by all - thanks to everyone who came, including raphaelwyn and the Godson, with Stuart in tow!

And here we are at just after St. David's Day! I didn't really celebrate unless you count getting my hair cut by a very nice tattooed Cockney rocker. I got the usual good-natured ribbing from a particular workmate today as he wasn't in the office yesterday, but let's face it, this is the guy who has worked with me for a year and still can't remember how to spell my name! I think it was Rihean last time. Almost right if you squint and try to get through it phonetically, which is usually the best I can hope for!
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