Hmmm, plans for another night out dancing with Emily have been shelved, as I think my ankle probably isn't better enough yet. Ah yes, I didn't mention that, did I...
I fell over last Friday eveningon the way to the pub. Em and I had only got a couple of hundred yards from here so we picked me up off the pavement, checked that I could bear weight and brought me home - I felt okay, just a bit shaken and bruised. Took a couple of regular painkillers and changed into ballet flats and went back out for drinks!
Come time to leave the pub 2 hours later and my ankle had swollen and stiffened sufficiently that I couldn't walk home. Em and I got a taxi and I sat on the sofa and waited for Chris, who promptly returned from work and whisked me straight to casualty to get me x-rayed. I really didn't want to go; it was the middle of a Friday night and I didn't want to be stuffed into A&E for hours with the drunks and fight victims, being treated like another stupid girl who drank too much and fell over pissed. To my surprise, the department was empty, presumably we missed the rush, and I was out less than an hour later with a big box of ibuprofen and some quite miserable advice on how to deal with a sprain.
Thankfully I'm okay now, but I think dancing might still be off.
I've had a lovely time in town today with
raphaelwyn and my Godson! The Christening last week was lovely, I was quite intimidated by just how religious the service was when we went for the rehearsal (Hail Mary, anyone?!) but on the day it didn't bother me and we had a good time. Em and I even had a go on the playpark outside the party venue and took some really good photos, although it was hard to do with my (admittedly beautiful, but moderately high-heeled) shoes on the aforementioned injury!
Bumped into a friend in town today I hadn't seen for ages, and was told of his recent engagement - so pleased for them. Congratulations A&Z!
And then I saw a girl in what looked very much like a leopard-print snood. I'm not sure why this amuses me so much, but it does. Hahahahaha. Snoooood.