
Oct 14, 2005 22:55

For the last few days my mind had been one big mess of thoughts about so many different issues. More and more I find myself wanting to get farther and farther away from society, but also wanting to help change it. But how am I going to help if I’m fed up with the problems I want to see fixed? Overall, I see how humanity has been shooting itself in the foot… the greater part of the masses only looking to fulfill their immediate need for monetary gratification, rather than looking ahead and working for the well being of all people and the earth. Why is it ok to pollute the earth the way we do? When did it become ok to make mass amounts of plastic pieces that get used for frivolous tings like the things sold at dollar stores? Ultimately needless crap. Do those people making those small bits of plastic realize that they will all eventually end up in a dump, to stay there forever? Where is all that waste going to go? When did it become ok? When did it become ok to fill homes with toxins that only end up in our water? Why is it ok to dump toxins into lakes? Why is it ok to make thousands of houses out of toxic non renewable materials and then put people in them and expect them to stay healthy, all just to keep the cost down? Why is it not considered an atrocity to humanity and nature to put chemicals in the ground and on the food we eat?

The earth and what it provides is exactly what we need and no more; science should strive to understand, yet not change or alter, or take it over. The more that science interferes, and government interferes, and all the greedy people interfere, and the rest of us turn our heads out of complacency, the further we remove ourselves from the very thing we rely on. Who the hell do we think we are to do the things we do? We deplete millions of acres of soil that will not sustain life anymore, we creates billions of tons of plastic and other non-decomposable materials that have to go somewhere once thrown out( but at least we have our cell phones and laptops and tons of plastic toys for our kids)… and lets face it, most people are lazy and do not see the direness of the situation; so they simply throw things in the garbage and do not take the time to recycle or even donate. This is a downward spiral that will indeed bite us in the ass.

When did it become ok to make fun of or think that the people who actually DO give a rats ass about the state of things are “tree hugging nuts?” So it’s hip and trendy to not care about consumerism and what it does to the earth, not to mention what this current administration is doing to make it all worse… You cannot take something that was created exactly the way it should be, and then add a multitude of gases, garbage, toxins and PEOPLE and not expect a negative effect. There are too many people on this earth, and all in all, the majority of them are not thinking about the consequences of their actions. What did you buy today? Can it be reused? Recycled? Did you think about how it was marketed to you, from some company that probably only cares about the end dollar and not about where it’s going to end up. Did you think about where it’s going to end up? Do you really need it? Is it something that was in your face, one ad after the other, that you started believing you needed it? Does it take you away from nature? Will it harm nature?

No one is teaching their kids these things anymore. Technology and business have taken over the jobs of parents it seems. Why should I have to compete with the marketing of toys and useless nonsense? Tobacco companies targeting kids, unhealthy cereals put in the line of sight of kids in the grocery stores, commercials that give the message that you have to have everything you see to be cool, and it goes on and on. Where are the messages that kids really need to see? Like being honest, the importance of knowledge and education, being part of a loving family, and not becoming a lazy, non active couch potato playing video games??? Consumerism and marketing make a parents job so much harder these days, and couple that with the parents that actually think that this is just the way things are? WTF?

And this goes farther… don’t even get me started about how distorted and un-natural just eating has become these days. The body is designed to take in raw materials that the earth provides… yet somehow this simple thing has turned into some grotesque anomaly of nature. Chemicals are put into our foods and we eat it. Preservatives, hydrogenated oils, msg, saturated fats, artificial colors and flavors of all kinds, and we eat it. WTF???? Why did THIS become ok? If I were to make you food, but then said that I was going to put in some chemicals first, you would think I was nuts. What is the difference when someone buys just about anything from the grocery store that can actually stay on a shelf for months without going bad? There is a reason it isn’t going bad in a day or two; it has so many artificial and unnatural ingredients, it barely can qualify as food. How many people actually look at the ingredients and know what they are looking at? Not many… the commercial has already sold them on taste, cost, blah blah blah…. If it’s ok to sell, then it must not be that bad, right? Then why are the incidents of diabetes, cancer, heart attacks, arthritis, and numerous other ailments blown into an all time high? Hmmm, could it be the commercially sold food? Of course not… According to people in the medical profession, it’s a natural part of aging.. Really… Does anyone take responsibility for what they’re doing? Oh, I’m sorry, it’s just easier to go with the commercial flow. My bad. Remember, those in the medical profession are making their money off that exact way of thinking. The drug companies would be out of business if people actually ate the way the body is intended, and actually knew anything about real nutrition.

When did it become ok to sit in front of a box under artificial light? No sun, which is needed to be completely healthy, no activity which our muscles need daily… and I don’t mean walking to the elevator. There are so many vital elements missing in the mass consciousness of this country. People are content to get by on the latest drug, not taking responsibility for why their body is failing; content to listen and follow the magic and colorful entertainment box; content to swallow what is fed to them by corporations and the government….

I truly believe that humans had amazing abilities that over time have been distinguished. Our minds are truly marvelous; and even modern science does not know all that they are capable of.. There are those who have rare abilities, extra senses, and are looked at as kooks. Some are, but there are individuals that do possess abilities that aren’t understood by science. I believe that it is possible that we all at one time possessed extra mind abilities, but through centuries of governmental suppression and control, these things were lost. Years and years of this suppression and control, it turns into myth and stories, and then just plain fantasy… and the few who do have it are looked upon like they are crazy. Oh, and not just the suppression and control of governing bodies, but add to that the separation of human from nature through science, drugs, un-natural food and consumerism, and the abilities are further and further lost.

What would it take for this nation to stop what they are doing and actually see truth? Does it have to be televised on Fox news to be taken seriously? What needs to happen for this nation to wake up from its toxin/drug induced consumeristic slumber and see the devastation that is occurring to our earth, our minds and our bodies? Do we have to have disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes and floods to wake us out of complacency? To show that we’re indeed that close to the end of our energy supplies and have not set into place alternatives that should have been established decades or more ago?

This is where we are headed. The earth will only take so much. It only has so much to give. If nothing is changed, and changed NOW, we will not have enough water, healthy food, or clean air to keep us all here. The earth will swallow us, and we will deserve it. We have removed ourselves from it, and it should reclaim itself. It came first and has every right to correct what we have done.

I have a wonderful life unfolding before me, an amazing husband and daughter, and I will be sooo pissed if I can't enjoy them for long because of the morons who went and ruined everything!!!!!!! lol.

Please, if you care about any of these things, pass this on to those who need to see it. Please be a part of a positive and long needed change.
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