[sigh] I wonder how much longer this will last? This seems too long to be a curse. I don't even know if this is something the deities have under control. This wasn't caused by a resident, was it?
I've been safe for now. Mostly locked up in my apartment. I don't know how long this will be a safe place, but it's he best I can do for now. At the very least, I don't think zombies have an easy time getting up stairs. I wonder if it'd be a good idea to disable the elevators...?
Um, Rue...I...heard the bad news. How is everyone? Are you doing alright? I know I don't know her that well, but--
[Autor is interrupted by a loud stomping noise, perhaps even a moan-y growl. He lets out a gasp and a few swears in German, as the sound gets just a bit louder and closer.]
What in--Who would allow a DRAGON to be infected by that virus?! Are they mad?
((OOC: Technically,
it's a T-Rex, but Autor didn't get a real good look at it (just a view outside his apartment window) and his mind always jumps to fantasy-land. Dinosaurs are just so mundane.))