HONEY? Honey, where did you put my tea leaves?! Cripes, when will she stop moving around my--oh, wait. NEVERMIND! I found it! That was my fault, sorry!
[turns and closes the door to the pantry and walks back out into the kitchen...which he stares at dumbfounded, the can of tea clasped in his hand] This...isn't my kitchen. Looks familiar, but not my kitchen.
[Frowns and wanders around for a minute, scratching his head and glancing out the window--which causes him to sharply gasp]
This is--This is the City! I...I'm back?! But it's been YEARS since--!
[dashes outside of the apartment--still grasping the tea closely--and stares wide eyed]
Oh God...why now?
((OOC: Age-Reversal curse. Autor's aged up to his mid-twenties, and also thinks that he went back home after a year or two in the City and continued live as normal. He's mellowed out a bit as he's matured, and also happens to be a newlywed (who's still not used to sharing his kitchen with someone else). After the post was made he wandered in a daze to Misery Square, so if you want to do an comment spam, that's where your character would find him.
Oh, BTW, I forgot to mention, I'll be heading off to church later this morning, but I'll be back in the afternoon. I just wanted to get this post up before we left, since I didn't want to forget and lose most of my time....XD;;))