Research Paper #129

Nov 14, 2007 10:12

It seems we have a lot of new arrivals to the City...if anyone needs any information about this place, I work at the library here. I can supply any of you with guides that will help explain your situation. I know it must be a little frightening, but don't fret--we can all help each other to adjust.

Um...for those of you who are interested, I'll be providing a small concert at the Opera Abandoned tonight. Admission is free. To be honest, part of my motivation is to promote myself as a piano teacher. I can't promise that I'll be perfect--I'm still a student myself, after all--but this should at least show you what my skill level is, if you've been interested in taking a class from me.

...I think I'm going to go take a walk out in Xanadu for a bit. Best to get in another walk before winter completely comes upon us...if anyone needs me, I'll be there. Or you could just contact me over the Network, of course.

((OOC: In my 'fanon' background for Autor, he had a falling-out with his father, Uhrmacher, when he entered the Academy and originally believed the 'Story-Spinning' powers to be 'just a game'. It was only after his father's death, when he found Uhrmacher's collection of notes, documents and research related to Drosselmeyer, that he became the writing-powers obsessed boy that we all know today.

In this version of Autor, instead of being excited about the possibilities of the writing powers, and obsessed with wanting to have the powers for his own, Autor became frightened when he discovered his father's notes. He destroyed most of them and locked away the rest, then tried to push the idea out of his mind and pretend he didn't notice anything odd about Kinkan Town (even though he then realized his fathers ramblings about the town being controlled by stories were true). He avoids writing or anything to do with the powers and threw himself into his music studies instead--so he remained at the top of his class, is a much better (and more confident) pianist than Autor typically is, is only a mild book lover, and gets quite a bit more fresh air than Autor usually does. (He'd be much less pale than Autor typically is.)

Not only that, but he also doesn't put up a front of being egotistical to protect himself. He's more awkward and shy, instead, and self-depriciating to an extent. His hair is out of it's typical severe style (so you can see it's wavy), his clothing style is more relaxed. He pretends that he doesn't remember the story like the rest of the town of Kinkan, but because he can't escape his heritage he still does--although probably in more fragmented bits and pieces, since his powers are weak and he had no active role in the Story.

Basically he's trying less to be what his father had hoped for him--in fact, he's purposefully removing himself from any similarity to Uhrmacher at all. He might seem happier than the typical Autor, but...he's really just gone from one extreme to the other.))

!affected, !curse day

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