Research Paper #119

Sep 28, 2007 14:14


Is there any healer or doctor that could come to the Opera House today? There's a girl here with a bad fever.

...She smelled like smoke.

But of course she does. She smokes. It doesn't mean anything.

..................I almost...I almost fell for it.

I was insisting only a few months ago that I wasn't the sort of person that would just do anything of that...nature with just anyone. I was boasting that I would wait until marriage before I'd actually sleep with someone. So why did I even let her in my room in the first place?!

...Well, she would've fell, but...still...

What am I doing? Am I really making the right decision, letting her stay around me?

...But she needs me!

D-did she just--?!

((OOC: Mostly referring to this log. Autor's mostly staying up in his room today with the feverish Mamimi...Opera residents can feel free to ask him about it/come into his room and notice the strange girl in his bed/etc.
Autor is *normally* principled about this (when he's not angsting over Rue not loving him, of course), so he's feeling rather guilty about WANTING to take her up on that offer of hers, whether he did or not~.))

!affected, mamimi, !curse day, is there a doctor in the city?

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