Research Paper #113

Aug 31, 2007 14:40

Well! It looks like the staff at the Academy have some sense and can see a qualified candidate when they see one! You're now looking at the newest librarian.

My typical duties will be mostly record keeping and shelving. Although why they need someone to shelve when the books almost appear to be placed around the library magically is beyond me. I'm looking forward to finding out how THAT system works... And, of course, making sure that everyone conducts themselves in the proper manner while making use of the facilities. I trust you all know how to behave yourselves at a library more than a certain puppet, I'd hope.

My salary is one yellow an hour. I...think that's a fair salary. I'm still not exactly sure how much everything costs...seems like minimum wage, hmph. I'm only working about fifteen hours a week, but...I need that to keep up with my studies and keep an eye on Rue, too. I think between all of us and any performances we'll put on at the Opera I shouldn't need to work more than that, anyway. And I'll quit if I get too busy.


...Rue's still worrying me. She seems...better, in the sense that she's not openly as upset anymore, but...something's still not right. She keeps talking about the 'darkness' in her...and that entry she made was so...

Part of me feels almost guilty for taking a job, but...she's right, I can't follow her around all the time. Besides, Fakir's keeping an eye on her, too, and goodness knows he takes that sort of thing very seriously. And it's be irresponsible of me to not earn some money for the Opera house. We all need to eat. And I'd need money to keep up with how I've been living here--all of the trips to the arcade and tea and writing supplies I buy...

I'm sure it will be all right. It's only 15 hours a week, and she's been staying at the Opera. Everything will be fine.

((OOC: Yes, Autor FINALLY got his job. XD;; I know, I know, it's taken me a while. ...I'm assuming 'cups of coffee' means a typical, generic cup of coffee, and not a "Starbucks" sort of cup, because otherwise Autor's salary is...quite good. XD;;;
By the that Autor officially works at the library, I'm going to be trying to keeping an eye on posts for characters hanging out at the library. If I see characters being particularly loud or rowdy (or, Eru forbid, actually getting into fights) at the library in public comment spams, Autor WILL randomly pop up and tell you all to be quiet. XDDD It's totally canon. Oh, and if you ever need a librarian to pop up in a log or something and I'm not too busy, I'd be happy to have Autor play the role if you'd prefer him to an NPC. Yes, I know, I'm taking the job thing way too seriously, but I think it'd be funny to have him constantly popping up at the library. XDDD;; Particularly since he has tons of cameos like that in the show.))

fakir, would you please be quiet?, opera house, rue

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