Has anyone seen Ananova? It sounded like she was in trouble on her journal. Please don't tell me she's gone. Why did she have to leave NOW?
I can't BELIEVE Pique! I apologized--TWICE--I told her I would invite her somewhere else, I TRIED to make up for it--what am I supposed to do?! Flowers? Candy?? Get on my knees and BEG?!
It's not like I don't understand why she's upset, I do, but--I'm trying to make up for it!! Why won't she let me?? Why did she just shut me out like that?!
It's not fair! Why did she dance with Fakir?! Why does she treat him with so much respect?? What does he have that I don't?!
Of course, if she had danced with me I probably would've just broken her toe. It was for the best.
...I wasn't lying. She really did look pretty that night...
Autor, you damn idiot.
[filtered to Rue, Momo and Ananova(?)]
...I have a hypothetical question for you.
((OOC: All strikes are hackable except for the last two lines. The whole rant about Pique comes from
here. ...Yeah, Autor's being his usual charming self.