Research Paper #50

May 02, 2007 21:43

The sacrifices have been collected. ...I think it's time to pick up the pieces.

Adrastus is leaving. I'll...miss him. But Doumeki said that we can guard the shady corner for him.

...Odd. When I'm with Doumeki and the others...I don't feel it. That ache.

But when I'm by myself, I do feel it. The ticking never seems louder.

This it...?

I think it's the feeling of lonliness.

((OOC: Autor has regained his first feeling--lonliness! Expect him to be a tad clingy~.
It's probably a good time to explain how I'm going to work this out...there's probably still a few bugs in it that need to be ironed out, but my finals are almost over so I'll have time now!

Basically, Autor has 8 more feelings to regain. Which ones? I'm not telling, that'll ruin the fun and that gives me a chance to change my mind! You'll probably recognize some things if you've seen the show, but...I'm changing some things to fit Autor's personality. Also, instead of heartshards, he'll regain the feelings through emotional events (Adrastus leaving, curse days, etc), as well as interacting with other people.

He's going to be regaining his feelings about bi- or tri-weekly, so it should take about three to four weeks for him to regain all of his feelings...kinda dependant on how I work everything out. I'm hoping to get it all ironed out tomorrow.

Thanks everyone! <3))

adrastus, tick-tock, doumeki

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