Jan 29, 2004 21:47
Bah. Not to much goin on. I dont know what I updated last. I think it was the show. Ah fuck it. Monday Tofer and Chubby came down here to hang out and we stayed the night at the church. We had a fuckin blast. Then they went home at like, 9 tuesday night. We had snow days tuesday and wednesday which was kick ass.
Show this weekend in saginaw. 88 MPH is playin and so is redefined and a bunch of other bands. Next weekend show too... adn the weekend after. Both at PS150. And another one the 24 at the legion. This is 6 weeks in a row, but cool as hell. I am havin alot of fun.
Next weekend is pearchville. Josie is having a party friday and the dance and show is saturday. We are going to the show so I doubt we are going to the dance even though I kind want to.
More later. I am tired as shit.