Aug 05, 2005 19:04
... so I contacted our human resources girl to find out if I was in fact going to be able to transfer to our Roanoke billing office.
Here is a little background since I just realized I may not have posted the whole story:
My husband was offered a position (the same as he has now) in Roanoke (Virginia for those of you who forgot I live here now) in July right before we left to go to Louisiana for a couple of weeks. He gladly accepted (anything to get us out of boring as all get out Martinsville). While I was excited about moving to a "real" city, I was also worried about my job situation, taking in to account that I had JUST gotten insurance in June (thus taking me off of Carl's extremely expensive insurance) and a raise, and I was getting promoted when I got back from Louisiana. But wait! maybe there was a way to keep it all! You see the company I work for has offices all over Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and other states in the area, and even better their main office is in Salem (next door neighboors with Roanoke for the geographically challenged) and a billing office in Roanoke. So maybe I thought, just maybe I could transfer if there was a job opening. When I got back from Louisiana I had to tell my boss that we may want to hold off on that promotion because I was leaving the office by the end of the month and moving to Roanoke because of my husband's transfer. While she was upset (hey I guess so she has asked more than once if I could be cloned! so i expected her to be shocked and upset) but was more than open to the idea of getting the corporate office to transfer me when I asked if it would be possible. She made a phone call to human resources, human resources made a phone call to the Roanoke billing office, and boom yes there was indeed an opening at the Roanoke office doing what my promotion would have had me doing. So Tuesday I had an informal interview (over the phone so i wouldn't have to miss work of course) with the manager at the Roanoke office. In her exact words "I have no problem with you tranfering here, I'll let human resources know and she should contact you soon."
Ok so today comes and almost goes and I still haven't heard anything. Now keep in mind the cost of living in Roanoke is WAY different than that in Martinsville so me having to find a job would need to start happening like NOW so I would possibly have a job once we moved there, because having only one source of income is not an option at the moment. So as said above I contacted human resources to see what was going on reminding them that the move would be soon so I need to know something like now. I was so scared that she was going to say "well we reconsidered and even though the account manager liked you we just don't think it will be possible at this time." But she said "I just finished talking to the account manager and the position is yours if you want it!"
WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more stressing out about having to live like a homeless person for a month or so until I found a job. And get this it comes with another raise since it is considered a promotion!!! And even though I used all my vacation time when I went to Louisiana I will get a couple of days off (paid) to move. I love the company I work for!