What a Monday

May 09, 2005 22:21

It's been a crazy day and it's just the beginning of the week. School was the crappy bottomless pit of boredom that it always is. I had to wrok from 4 to 7, so that wasn't much fun. I saw Tia and her bf Chaz and their child Sandra Rose. She is such a beautiful baby! Anywayz, they made work a little more fun. I came home and showered after work, then I talked to Gregg while watchin a movie. Now, I'm fuckin around with my computer cuz it fucked up while playing my movie. So now I'm running a scan on it and hopefully it wont be much longer, but I have the feeling it will be. Plus, Mom is being a bitch right now cuz she won't let me finish my movie. Well, I'm gonna go do stuff and come bak and check on this piece of crap later. Night all.  
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