Apr 20, 2006 10:48
So I spent last night drawing the picture of the perfect customer instead of revising. We made a list at work over the summer of all the qualities the funniest customer wld have to have.......... He would have to be:
*A drug dealing pimp
*A biker
*Tiddly wink world champion
*A dwarf
*Have Tourettes Syndrome
And I managed to fit all that into one drawing hahahaha. I'm gonna take it into work this afternoon
So I didnt exactly get any revision done yesterday. I didnt wake up til midday for a start........ Then after Neighbours we went house-hunting in town. We've got an appointment to see one tomorrow at 4, which sounds perfect on paper. So hopefully Laura will have persuaded Vicki to let me do the early shift tomorrow (7-3) instead of the middle shift (9-5) that I'm actually on
So today I have to get my arse into gear and finish conservation for Museums and Heritage, and get properly stuck into the Civil War
Here goes nothing............