*squee* Loved it. I hope to see more like this from you. It's a topic that's rarely addressed. I think because in a village and group of people as small as the Hobbits, cousinly marriages might not be so rare. But! It's definitely nice to see someone had thought about the cousin issue. :D *snuggles* Pippin is adorable and the little things you noted (like how Gandalf doesn't call him Pippin anymore) were nice effects.
Actually, you know, I think on the movie commentaries they said that the Shire was like huge and there were actually lots of hobbits. So maybe inter-family-marriages aren't so rare. *shrug* I don't know really, I would think not if there are as many in Pippin's(um...not sure...like...5?) and Sam's family(12) in every family. That is scary. ^__^ Hobbits multiplying like rabbits. Mwa ha. Anyway, I am glad you liked it and thank you muchly for the compliments!!! ^___^ Loverly icon, btw. It's cute!!
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