Friends Only

Nov 22, 2029 14:38

Okay. Here's the way it is. I absolutely fucking hate people. Well. Most people. I don't want to talk to more than a few of you. And I don't want that percentage I don't like to know more than they need to about me. So, that's the problem.

And the solution? Simple enough, "FRIENDS ONLY." Except, the thing is, I always considered a livejournal to be something that was put up for the world to read. And if your lj is friends only, how can anyone know if they want to be your friend? Very difficult indeed.

So, this is how it's going to work. I'm going to 'friend' my lj entries. But. I'm going to leave whatever month I'm currently living in, unfriended. Except for the entries that would be friended anyway, the personal ones. And when that month is up, I'm going to friend that entire month, and start on the new one.

Well, if you've made sense of that gibber and are still interested in being on my flist leave a comment on this entry and I will consider friending you (I'm picky, after all ^_~).

--Original Message (11/22/04) edited 08/01/06

NOTE: My fiction and some other odds and ends (icons, art, etc.) will be left unlocked. edit (6/5/07): All locked for the time being.

Currently entirely friends only due to recent asshattery. Edit: 8/3/07

EDIT 12/5/07: Fiction unlocked and content flagged.

Comment to be added.
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