Feb 04, 2008 23:02
7:56 AM,,,,, phone rings. I lay in bed subconsciously awake, praying the ringing is just part of a dream. So much for my prayers, they're never answered anyways. Kaylyn screams my name, I knew exactly who was calling due to the early awakening (Safeway, who else?!?). She calls me 2 more times, she's not giving up until she talks to me in person. I scramble around my floor for something to wear as I reach the bekonning phone in my sisters hand. I Found just enough to cover most of my assets. Now, do I want to work 10:15 till 2:15, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllll nooo! Think, of, an, excuse, Melissa, what's it going to be..., "I can't, because I'm giving blood today". It worked. I managed to fall asleep 30 minutes later, it only felt like 15 minutes but my alarm let me know when 10:30am rolled around. Deanna and I had plans to go shopping and bust all of our money, atleast the feeling was mutual when I got a text from her at 10:48, we were both still in bed. Our pre-meditated plans never work out becuase they're usual wayy unreasonable. Anyways, I got up to eat at like 11:30, toast! I shower at 1:00pm because my sister wants a ride to her friends house in Headingley, and if i plan on shopping after i need that extra 30 minutes to dry my hair on the long haul. I get home, call Deanna, we decide to make an appointment at Canadian Blood Services, in the hour I had to kill before I had to drive my mom to work. My appointment was for 5:55pm. As 2:45pm rolls around, i'm out of the house on the way with my mom to deer lodge. On the way we see this retard flat bed truck driver bouncing this really expensive lexus on the back of his bed, going 20 over the speed limit he decides to cut me off without a blinker. What a retard, at this point my mom and I were trying to catch up with him to find out the company info, to call and rat this retard out. Im thinking he stole it, but couldn't catch him before we got to my moms work. O well, atleast im finally on my way to pick Deanna up to go shopping, our first stop was Best Buy. I wanted to buy a Ipod Nano, but managed not to give in. Then off to Polo, the only thing I bought there was scratch and win tickets, two of them and I only won 5 dollars, then we meandered around stores and talked to people. Its 4:20pm now, off to Subway to eat a healthy meal before our donor appointment. We made it to the clinic and followed all the instructions and, filled out all the tests and forms. They kept asking if I still wanted to go through with it, and I did, becuase I've waited 2 years for this. I sat in the right armed seat, they couldnt find the vain, then I was off to the left armed seat and ofcourse, as I had told them it was much easier to find the vein on my left arm. Geeze, listen to the patient already. So, I made it though all the poking of the needle, as ten minutes passes I start to feel sick. I tell the nurse which began a giant sherade of remaining calm on my part and mild-histarics on their part, as they call for ice. Four nurses surrounded me at this point, placing iced clothes on my neck and forehead, reminding me to keep my eyes open, and to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. All I wanted to do was close my eyes, I knew exactly what was happening. I didn't quiet make it to one pint but I was damn close, they ofcourse had taken my needle out at my point of near un-consciousness. My ghost face had passed, as did 7 minutes and I was able to head over to the canteen for so awesome free food. It was awesome, I loved giving blood. After the blood ordeal, Deanna and I decided to scratch some more lottery tickets. So I bought, two westerns, one snowflake bingo, and one texas holdem. We were then on our way to Tims-Unicity for our daily tea. Deanna had a friend join, he was funny looking, anyways.... So, I didn't win anything! I decided to go to shoppers and buy four more texas holdems, and I has enough time to return to tims and scratch two of them before I had to head off to pick my mom up for work at 9:30pm. After dropping my mom off at home I went back to join Deanna at TIMS, we proceeded to check my two scratched texas holdems, 5 bucks! Now to scratch my other two, then went to see if they won.. but the kiwkE mart was way to packed so we dorver over to the neighbouring Petro, and I won another 5$ and bought 4 westerns and another texas holdem, then checked them at the kwikE mart and they all lost! So... i bought 3 black jacks and scratched them int he parking lot, and I only won 8 dollars... so I went back in and cashed it and bought a winners circle, and went to tims by my house, becuase I had to pee sooo badly after all the juice boxes at the blood clinic and the green tea from our first visit to tims that night. I get to the car again, and Deanna had won 15$ on lucky lines so we go and cash it at my sev, were regualrs there now. I bought a Monopoly and lost! Then decided to buy chips and dip and eat that in the Tims parking lot. We weere bored again and decided to go to the Downs and play Vlt's at first I only bring my change in, all 4.25$ of it, but that was quickly gone, so I decided to go get a 5 from the car. I stuck it in the machine and quickly won 20 dollars! which paid for the gas that I bought from domo before heading out to the Downs. Atleast I won something good tonight. So, we were once again, bored, so we went to gamble my 25 cents at the HOJO, but didn't win. HOME TIME, now im in bed. yey. Meesa out.