I love being a mommy, well all besides the not getting enough sleep part and the cring. Other than that I love it! Karl loves being a daddy. He gets a little more sleep than me but not by much. He thinks Konstantina hates him but I told him just wait. She knows my voice and stuff and so it soothes her, one day she will love you more than mommy and she will be a daddy's girl. You mark my word. lol. Well I'm going to tell you all about what I remember of the labor/c-section and everything....
What I remember of Konstantina's birth
Karl and I got in the OB unit at 11am. They had us fill out paper work and then they showed me to my room. A nurse came in and stuck my right arm with an IV bag. Well she fucked up and needless to say right now I have a huge bruise on my right wrist and it looks horrible! Anyways they got my IV in my left arm. Then They had me walk to the OR where I would be for my c-section. They told Karl to suit up and they toke me inside and gave me my spinal block. After all that was done they helped me to laydown on the bed since I was numb and really couldn't do anything. I remember Karl coming in too early and they told him to go back outside and wait. I cried while they put the spinal block in. I was also shacking a lot. I was so nervous. Then after they got me on the table they put my cathedore in and then counted everything and preped the room up. After they were ready to start, they brought Karl in and he looked weird with the hat and mask and everything on. He talked to me to kind of ease my mind and told me O'neil was there and he messed with my hair. All the time I could feel them pressing on my stomach like in a downward motion. After 11 minutes of them starting, Konstantina was out. I heard her cry and I just started to let the tears out. Karl got to stand up and see her. Karl went with Konstantina out of the room and they started stitching me up. Every once in a while I would hear her cring and all I could help but do is start cring everytime. After they were done they toke me back to my room. I started to talk to Karl about what she looked like and everything. I hadn't seen her yet and I wanted to see her so bad. It made me cry knowing that I couldn't see my baby girl right after she was born. The nurses came in and told me that I couldn't see her yet because she was under a heat lamp. She wasn't keeping her heat stablized but when she did they would bring her to me. I saw her on Karl's video camera. He didn't get much of her on it, but I did get to see her at least. Finally after about 20 minutes they brought her in to me. I couldn't help but cry.
That's what I remember. I've been uploading pictures for everyone so here are some more.....