Apr 27, 2008 18:50
I cannot believe that I haven't posted since December 2007!!
Once again, there really isn't much to post about, but I thought that I would make an effort.
Let's see...
I 'm really trying to get my Rosacea under control and started seeing a doctor that is also a day spa owner. She thinks that the rosacea has flared up because I might have a vitamin deficiency, because I told her that it has gotten worse since being off of my birth control. So she gave me a prescription only vitamin concoction. It has some nickle, zink, folic acid and vitamin B. It has helped with my inflamation, so that makes me happy.
Some topical cream called Finacea.
She also started me on light treatments. I do these 20 minute treatments every 3 days. This has helped with the acne part of my rosacea. Over all, I have been pretty pleased with the results that I have gotten so far. I still have 7 more light treatments to go!!
Work life has gotten better. I feel less stressed and everything is going smoothly. I've managed to stay around the 40 hrs per week schedule and I'm getting home at a regular time now.
Next weekend Sev and I are having a little party. So far it doesn't look like we will have a lot of guests over, but ya never know, it might change. We haven't had a friend get together for over a year now. We thought that it is time. Even if people can't come, the few people that do, will have some yummy food to eat.