REPO is now trying to break my brain.

Nov 18, 2008 06:07

This is all Jen's fault.  I was all set to know that Paris Hilton was in a musical and laugh and ridicule it and fully prepared to say it sucks, but Noooooo.  Jen can't let Heather do that.  Instead she plays a couple of songs from it, including the one by the ever lovely Anthony Stewart Head, and so I get on youtube and find clips, including the Zydrate Anatomy which is really catchy and proves that Paris Hilton has a medicrome of talent, at least to act like a drugged out plastic surgery addicted whore thing.  But again it's catchy, so there goes my plan, right out the window.  But that's not what breaks my brain completely, it only helps.

No.  What finishes the job is Sarah Brightman.  Now I've known about Sarah Brightman since I was in middle school.  There has never been a question in my mind that she is a very talented woman, never.  But she was the source of much ridicule because everytime I saw her she had these big buggy eyes, kinda like Gwen in Torchwood but buggier because she sometimes looked constipated when trying to reach the high notes.  So, talented but buggy.  I found a clip for Chase the Morning on youtube, and it is a remarkable song and made even more so by Ms. Sarah Brightman and her no longer buggy-buggy eyeballs.  It could be because of the cool special effects or the fact that she's not straining but she was beyond talented in this song.  Damnit.  This opera movie play thing is breaking my brain where Disney left off...Damnit.

And I blame you Jen!!!!!  CURSES!!!!!!  Seriously, you're the one that made me watch RENT and it ate my brain then spit it back out with a new prediliction towards Adam Pascal and now the same thing is happening with this one and I haven't even seen it yet!!  At least there is no new predilictions, I've always loved Anthony Stewart Head.  Robin Sachs is better loved even though I don't think he sings.  Luvs them both.  Anyways, Jen, curses and love and how does next Tuesday and Wednesday sound for a visit?  I don't think I'm doing anything and I can make it to Midland thanks to a longevity bonus on Friday.  Does Joe have my book finished?  If so you should read it next, its hilarious.
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