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Feb 13, 2007 04:41

This post was planned to be a happy go lucky one dealing with a recent obsession with Bleach and how it has too many characters for my to like and too many pairings for me to read about.  It's not fair!  I started out as a IchiIshi fangirl, but then I read a couple of RenIshi and I fell for that one.  IshiOri is just cutesie lovelove and RenRuki makes me giggle like nothing else.  But now, it seems that I find ByaRen is just HAWT, while ShunUki is just comfortable and I'm in love Shunsui's pink komono and Ukitake's hair.  Then HitsuMatsu is just hilarious, while AizenGin is my secret kink lovin' pairing.  Then to top it all off, anything involving the 11th Division is like ambrosia from the Gods.  I'm in complete love with that division I can read anything from IkkakuYumi, KenpachiUnohana, ShuuheiYumi, IkakkuKira, HitsuYachiru.  I've even read some KenpachiIchigo and KenpachiIshida.  Tell me that's not love because those to pairings are total crack in my mind.  If you know the fandom well you will notice that I didn't list IkkakuNemu, and I have a justified reason for that.  I hate her.  With the surplus of characters in Bleach, surprisingly I hate very few.  One I hate is Nemu.  Hate.  She just stands around and lets herself get beat up by Mayuri.  I don't even hate Mayuri (even if it is only because of the one scene with the bathtub and nekkid and wet and blue hair!), but someone just taking the beating from their asshole of a 'father' pisses me off.  Gahh!!  Much rage.  On a side note, unlike most fandoms that I end up obsessing over, I don't hate the female 'lead'.  Rukia almost annoys me, but she can emasculate any male character and I love her for it.  I love Orihime was well just because she reminds me of my Candy, big boobs and everything.

Now that was a happy beginning post, sorry, I got distracted.  Now the the serious stuff.  I'm quitting Ric's.  I hate to do it to Cari, but tomorrow after my classes I'm calling in and quitting.  Shenan pissed me off so badly Sunday morning that I can't even stand to look at him again.  There is much rage going on and involves me being called into a meeting at 9 am on Thurday, when I told him that I had an exam at 11 am, I have to get to campus an hour early for parking, and I needed to study on top of that.  He completely disregarded that.  He told me I could come in anyways.  Apparently, work is supposed to take precident over school.  Bullshit.  I'm quitting, no if, ands, or buts about it.  I'm gone.  That means that I'm going to have to do some major scruching with my money, but I'm hoping to get a job in the mean time.  Applying to gas stations is an almost given just for my schedule and being able to work late/overnights.  As stated before, hate to do it to Cari but I can't stand it anymore.  The job is stressing me out more than it should.  I've been working there as part time status and full time hours.  They can kiss my ass.  I'm falling behind in school, I feel like I don't know what's happening in any of my classes anymore.  I've gone insane and I can't rightly handle it.  So instead of failing out of school, I'm quitting my job.  I feel liberated and at the same time sad.  I'm going to miss a few of the people there.  Hopefully though the casino will call me, callmecallmecallmecallmecallmecallmecallme...done.

And since I can't sleep if I end it there, on a happy note, I got my Poppy Z. Brite book in the mail today.  On a sad note, I've already read it.   Granted it was short, but at the same time I need to learn to pace myself, I really do.  In relation, out of all of her novels and short story anthologies released, I own all but approximately...4.  Yep, one of my favorite authors.  It helps that I fell in love with G-Man.  I mean come on, he sounds like my type of guy, he can still emasculate his boyfriend if he tries, and he still calls is dad 'daddy.  I love that.  Even if he is just a character in a book, absolute love for him.  Rickey helps too mind you, but he can be such a jerk that all I wanna do is slap him silly sometimes.  But then I think back, to him and Lenny fighting like 'a couple of dancing bears', and I just end up forgiving him....damn him...blue/green eyes damnit!  Anyways, back on my sorta track.  Read and buy her books.  The Value of X is kinda hard to come by and is only in hardcover, her latest series is about G-man and Rickey and starts with X but the next is Liqiour, goes to Prime, and latest is Soul Kitchen.  But if horror is more your poison, start with Lost Souls.  That book will always have a special place in my heart, I love Ghost and Steve, especially Ghost. Gahh!!!  And if you want to know what the fuck I'm talking about, go read her books and then buy them!!!!  And yes, they do have 'gayness' in them.  Deal with it, not your cup of tea try it anyways, because half the time it's not really in the forefront. At least until you get the the Liqiour series but it doesn't matter as her books are examples of good fiction!!!!  And they almost read like a fanfic, but only the parts where it seems like something a professional writer wouldn't do, but Poppy does anyways and I love her for it.  For example, in Prime, a gay man screaming "MY ASS HURTS!" for reasons not related to sex in front of his employees.  Laughed so loud when I first read it and still giggle when I think about it.

Gahh.  I'm done now.  I have class at 11, I get up at 8:45 and it's now 4:40.  Good thing I'm quitting tomorrow.  Night all.
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