Comment with your name and i shall list
one thing that i like about you
one thing that i hate about you
& what my first impression of you was.
- Current Clothes: Black bra, grey shorts (i was trying tops on)
- Current Mood: mad at the world...or worlds.
- Current Music: Kelly clarkson-breakaway
- Current Taste: not eating
- Current Make-up: none
- Current Hair: curly and down.
- Current Smell: Aloe vera (sun burn)
- Current thing I should to be doing: eatin or sleeping.
- Current Desktop Picture: Marilyn Monroe
- Current Favorite Artist: Don't have one.
- Current Favorite Group: Don't have one.
- Current Book: Why girls are weird. (5th time im reading it)
- Current CD in CD Player: beer and chicken =S tisk tisk my gangster sister.
- Current tape in VCR: nothing.
- Current DVD in DVD Player: Gia
- Current Color Of Toenails: florescent pink
- Current Refreshment: water
- Current Worry: why i'm being such a bitch.
Last thing:
- You Touched: the letter "d" on the key board
- You Talked to: Michelle
- You Hugged: uh =S...can't even remember
- You Instant messaged: Julie
- You Yelled At: mom...for looking at me.
- You Kissed: Frank
[ FAV0RITE .. ]
- Foods: anything with meat in it...I love cheese...and dairy..i like alot of things.
- Drink: alcohol: everything except whisky
no alcohol: diet coke, water, pineapple juice freshly squeezed.
- Color: Green, Tulop red, orange,redd,aqua,teal,rey,black (even if its not a colour),white(same shit)
- Album: dont have just one.
- Shoes: flip flops.
- Animal: snails or frogs or turtles...anything innocent
- TV Show: Family Guy, sex and the city,family plot,intervention,saved
by the bell, full house,oprah,dr.phill, what i like about you.
- Song: killing me softly-fugees Iris-goo goo dolls Don't wanna miss a thing-Areosmith Made of steel-OLP
- Vegetable: all of them
- Fruit: all of them EXCEPT PAIRS!
- Cartoon: shows?...Family guy...movies; Beauty and the beast, snow white,lion king,sleeping beauty,cinderella
- Flower: Lilies
[ ARE Y0U .. ]
- Understanding: Very
- Open-minded: veryy
- Arrogant: complete opposite
- Insecure: yessum
- Interesting: i guess...ppl laugh at me a lot...
- Easily Amused: depends.
- Random: betcha
- Hungry: starving
- Friendly: I am
- Smart: If i apply myself.
- Moody: youuuuu betcha
- Childish: sadly yesh, i cry a lot.
- Independent: can be VERY, but thats only when im mad at teh now.
- Healthy: let me tell you lol god no
- Emotionally Stable: no I'm actually fucked up in the head... thanks to matthew...motherfucker.
- Shy: yeah when I feel insecure.
- Difficult: I'm chillz
- Bored: yessssum
- Messy: yeah but i clean when im sad.
- Thirsty: no.
- Responsible: i try
- Obsessed: over what?
- Angry: no but when i am (like now) watch out
- Sad: alot of the time.
- Happy: most of the time
- Hyper: I can be.
- Trusting: naive
- Talkative: yeah ninas still trying to find my "off" button..btw there
is no off button just tell me to shut up and i'll get it.
- Been kissed? yeah
- Done Drugs? yeah
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos? yeah
- Been on stage?yeah
- Dumped Someone? nope
- Gotten in a car accident? nope
- Been in love? not yet *nervous*
[ FAV0RITE .. ]
- Shampoo? herbal essences
- Toothpaste? minty
- Soap? dove
- Room in your house? living room
- Instrument? trumbone
[ EITHER/0R .. ]
- Coffee or hot chocolate? coffee triple-triple
- big or little? excuse me?!
- Lace or satin? dont know.
- New or old? depends.
- Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? hmmm...brad pitt
- Vogue or Cosmopolitan?cosmo..they have funyn shit in it.
- Jeans or cords? w.e
- Sweater or sweatshirt? wow ur queer.
- T-shirt or tank top? both
- Skirt or dress? both
- Wool or cotton? cotton
- Rose or Lily? lily
- Oldies or pop? Oldies.
- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no sir.
- Do you have a best friend? yes but currently they can go fuck themselves...except michelle.
- Cried? cried
- Helped someone? sister.
- Bought something? food with mother.
- Gotten sick? no
- Gone to the movies? no
- Gone out for dinner? no i made dinner
- Said "i love you"? i can't love.
- Written a real letter? typed a letter
- Moved on? nope.
- Talked to an ex? no
- Missed an ex? no
- Talked to someone you have a crush on? nope
- Had a serious talk? yeah
- Missed someone? yes
- Hugged someone? nope
- Fought with your parents? yeah
- Fought with a friend? yeah
[ D0 Y0U .. ]
- Wear eye shadow? no
- Eat with your mouth open? ew not..and for teh ppl that do...i hate you
- If you got a tattoo, where would you get it? back of my neck or back or sholder or thigh
- What color is your floor/carpet in your room? beige
- What was the last CD you bought? dunno...i burn mine.
- What did you do last summer? soo much
- When's the last time you showered? an hour ago
- Are you lonely? kinda
- Are you happy? not really...not at all
- Are you wearing pajamas? no
- Are you talking to someone online? no