The Purge

Feb 28, 2011 18:00

Stephen and I are gearing up for our triumphant return to The Great White North in about six months. We've been sorting and packing. That's partly because I am a little crazy about being prepared after seeing so many folks packing on the last day, wailing and gnashing their teeth about where the time went and partly because this is our last winter here, and winter is over. It's hard to believe how much stuff we amassed in four years, and how hard it is to get rid of some of it. Stephen and I both have pack ratty tendencies. Its hard to know with some of it whats the best thing to do. We have a tent, It sleeps five comfortably. Its really nice. It would cost us about 40$ to ship it, the sleeping bag, and some other stuff with it. Is it worth it? Will we ever use it again? Is it better to sell it here? Oh god, how do we know? There is a myriad of other stuff that is similar. My mom still hasn't sent the Christmas package she has ready, so there is more stuff coming (!!) Our folks are asking about our birthdays, which all fall just a 3ish months before we go home, and we are trying to convince them that money is best since we can use that to get Keira's plane ticket home and a car seat for when we get there. We need to send Wicket ahead of us in May to miss the summer pet blackout for flying, and we need to decide if its better to shell out the 1500 bucks or so fly Keira in her own seat (;_;) or to travel for about 24 hours with her on our laps (;_;). We will probably go with the second option and hope for a free seat on the plane that we can plunk her in. The lap option isn't free anymore, but its significantly less. We also replaced the bedframe we broke way back in year two, so now we have to rearrange the apartment again. That is a blessing because it will mean a) no more moving the mattress every day b)we will have a separate sleeping area for one of us to nap in even if Keira is awake c) we can get Keira used to sleeping not in our room before we go home and d)if Keira does wake up from her nap at an inopportune time then at least she isn't also staring at us. It is horribly frustrating because it means that we have to reorganize our main room. The 'bedroom' being literally just big enough for the bed (IF we leave the door off the hinges) and nothing else. That means lugging the big wardrobes and fridge back out here. If we can. *cries*. We'll get it all settled, I just wish that I could just get it done so that it wasn't all looming up at me.
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