Oct 13, 2009 09:54
I am staying in a Catholic Hospital. We came here because we knew where it was mostly. When I came in to the emergency room I forgot my insurance card, and obviously I wasn't being freaky outy enough on the outside. The guy tried to stall us about my health number - I cried like a baby and yelled and he whisked us right in. Score one for hysterics! They called in their obgyn. He is a nice enough guy, but needs to work on his bedside manner. It felt like he was digging for gold in there - so painful! He also turned the moniter around so I couldn't see it and made concerned sad noises. He didn't tell me the baby was ok until later, when he said "you and your husband come sit down, we'll talk about this". Thanks for the extra 15 minutes of pessamistic panic dude! The room we were put in had no soap in the bathroom, when I informed the nurses they were pretty unconcerned. They then put my iv in...to my muscle and not my vein. It was not nice. Another complaint I have, while I am smashing Korean health care, is how little they tell you about what is going on. In this case they don't really know, but still, I would like some information. The up side to Korean hospitals is that your family can stay with you, or show up just about any time. (which is good if you are considerate of your roomate *glare*). So far I've had four roomates, one of which was awesome and one of which is tolerable. I had one that was a crazy bitch and one that was really inconsiderate. I am feeling pretty down today, I have some slight bleeding again, and I am feeling pretty discouraged. I am so nervous - it seems like this whole thing has been going on so long, and I'm weary with stressing about it. I wish I understood what was happening exactly - the doctor doesn't seem to know. Its some kind of infection, he thinks, my uterus is inflamed and my platelets are through the roof. Stephen pressed the doctor about discharging me since I'm only here to get shots, and demanded some answers, and now the doctor is kind of snarky with me when he sees me. Its pretty frustrating also. We are allowed to want answers. Different culture I guess. Anyway, I am mostly just whining. Its my first whole day without Stephen for company, and maybe thats what I am finding hard.